Vulva cancer very quick reoccurrence

  • 11 replies
  • 25 subscribers
  • Hi, I had surgery for vulva cancer 7 years ago! Very scary but had put it behind me as surgeon said he expected it to be a one off! Fast forward 7 years and I had it reoccurring so yet another wide local incision and sentinel lymph nodes removed, follow Up in March showed no cancer in margin and lymph nodes! Just been for check up…. Suspicious area found, possibly VIN? Am beyond devastated, will get biopsy but I know it’s happening again, only a few months post surgery! Has anyone else experience of this?
  • Hi ,

    I agree! It’s nice to have someone to talk to that understands. I don’t think anyone could fully understand unless they have been there.

    I have requested more frequent check ups and they finally agreed, but after the next appointment they moved me back to 6 months and I gave up as it was so much effort to increase the frequency that in all honestly I didn’t have the energy to fight again. I shouldn’t complain with all that you have going on though. 

    I was told to wash with QV gentle wash and then use emollient. I was also give a steroid ointment for if I feel the itch return. I think it may have been called dermovate. My symptoms are rarely there now and when they have been, it has been mild, so I’m wondering if it was the virus. 

    I hope the next 2 weeks pass quickly so that you can have a plan moving forward. My next check up is in July so only 2 months now. 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

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