Hi all

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  • 28 subscribers

Hi all 

New here and saying helloHuggingHugging 

I had surgery on April 5th , left side vulva removed, partial right, clitoras , tip of uretha ( spelling ?? ) and the area to be removed was deeper and wider than surgeon first thought so planned lymph node removal was postponed. 

Currently healing ok, and waiting for dates to go back in and have all left & right groin nodes removed. 

Still not sure how to process things so taking it a bite at a time. 

Just saying"hello" & sending love to anyone who needs some xx

  • Hi ,

    Wishing you a warm welcome to the online community, although I’m sorry you find yourself here. 

    I am pleased that you’re healing ok. 

    Good idea to take things a bite at a time. I found myself rushing ahead and causing myself unnecessary stress and worry. I’ve now learnt to take things a day at a time. 

    I hope you continue to heal well and feel free to message anytime if you want to chat with someone that’s been there. 

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Farfelu and vulval cancer warrior

    Now 3 weeks post up for my vulval cancer and sentinel node biopsy.  Due to see Consultant tomorrow.  Had biopsy result today which seemed to say I have to have another operation for bilateral node resection and adjunctive therapy, whatever that is.  My SCC was moderately differentiated so this seems to suggest they're not sure if it's spread.  Will know more tomorrow but feeling more than a little worried! I'm guessing Farfelu that you're in a similar situation. Xx

  • Hi ,

    I hope you’re recovering well. 

    I hope today’s appointment goes/went well and that you have a better understanding of what is to happen next. Hopefully they will be able to ease your worries in some way. Always here if you need to chat  

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Vulval cancer warrior.  I saw the Consultant this morning, she says that, although the primary cancer has been completely removed, the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes.  I am to go back into hospital to have lymph nodes removed from both sides and she hopes this will get rid of it. If not, I will be given either chemo or radiotherapy.  I am pretty devastated and broke down completely.  She explained what the operation is and the fact that I will probably be in hospital for up to 2 weeks, but I'm really struggling to come to terms with this and have spent rest of the day in tears!  I think My positivity has failed me, I just hope it comes back before they send for me next month.xx

  • Hello Farfelu, now in the same boat as you, saw Consultant today and, as my cancer spread to my lymph nodes, I am to go back in to hospital in next 3 weeks to have all bilateral.lymph nodes removed.  Devastating for me as the original cancer has been excised completely, just a pity it had already spread.

    Like you, I am struggling to cope with this news, but it's only been today so, from now kn, I'll be taking a day at a time.  Sending Love xxx

  • Hi Sandyann. 

    Sending huge thoughts and hugs. 

    It certainly sounds like we're in the same boat.  My consultant saw me today, is chuffed with healing from original op ( I have VIN & LS still present too) But I too have to go in for full groin  node removal  so just waiting for the surgery date. Then, like you, I'll know if further treatments are recommended 

    It's quite a thing to get your head round isn't it! 

    Small steps, small bites take one hand hold at a time.  Sending some love xx

  • Hello Farfelu, Fortunately I've healed well too according to Consultant, but having cancer spreading to lymph nodes is very difficult to get your head around.  Your advice is spot on, one bite at a time, I'm also determined to do something I enjoy every day while I'm waiting, especially getting out into the fresh air and appreciating nature.  I did have some good news today though, my daughter, who lives in Western Australia, is coming over for a little while during next school holidays, probably late June.  I haven't seen her for almost 6 years so definitely something to look forward to.  Love xxx

  • That's marvelous ( your daughter) 

    And YES do something every day, just for you,  even if it's small . 

    Much love& warmest wishes xxx