Waiting for biopsy results...scared

  • 11 replies
  • 31 subscribers

hi all, so about a month ago i was experiencing some pain down there after sex, this was the first time I’ve had sex in 5 years so at first i put the pain down to that, i felt really bruised and it hurt to even pee so I thought I should have a look, well i was shocked when i saw a white and black growth below the vaginal opening and going all the way back to my bum, there was also a red raw patch just inside the opening, I booked straight in with the gp because since age 20 I’ve had gynaecology problems (I’m now 35), the gp had a look and said she was referring me straight to the hospital, while i was there she tried to do a smear test (stupidly I’ve missed my last 2 yearly appointments) but the pain was excruciating so she had to stop, the hospital rang me the next morning and booked me in for the 4th of july. I went to the appointment and the dr was lovely and asked if she could examine me, she took one look and said we need to biopsy now, she also wanted to do a smear test before, again it was excruciating but she managed to do it then started on the biopsy,  once she was done she walked out the room and left me with 2 lovely nurses who said to me to ignore the mess on the bed when i get up, i had lost a lot of blood and the bed was covered and it was all down my legs everywhere, i had also been stitched to stop the bleeding, I cleaned myself up eventually and went into the room and the dr wouldn’t even look at me! She just said it will take 2 to 3 weeks for the results and we will write to you then ushered me out! Obviously I felt really confused because beforehand she had been lovely, she didn’t tell me how to look after the stitches or if they are even dissolvable! So last Tuesday i had a letter with the smear results, this said the cells from my cervix appear normal however the dr had requested I have a colposcopy to have a more detailed look at my cervix? This has confused me because if it’s normal why do they need to investigate further? I’ve had many colposcopies so know what these are for and can’t see a reason to have one now. I then had a copy of the letter that the dr sent to my gp, she has lied in this letter and said she examined my abdomen and it was soft and non tender, not once did she examine it because if she had she would have felt the lumps i have and it is very tender! She also mentioned that my weight made examination hard! She never said anything to me about my weight and im 14 stone not exactly massive! She described the growth as being 1cm x 2cm and it’s white,thickened and raised/rough. Does this sound like any of your cancers/vin?  I’m still anxiously waiting to hear from them about the biopsy, but I don’t know if they will write with the results or call me because she didn’t make anything clear? Since the biopsy the growth has got bigger and looks a lot darker so obviously I’m really concerned, i also have rheumatoid arthritis and I’ve since read that this can contribute to cancer so I’m concerned about that to. so sorry for the long post but my as you all know the waiting is awful. I honestly feel like I’m not being told something, I just want to know what I’m facing so i can fight whatever it is! Thanks x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’ve been suffering with this now for ten years you do have to remain positive and fight fight fight because this will get you down but don’t let it beat you. I know how hard this time can feel but trust me a positive mind really helps. Have you had the hpv vaccination? Coz if you haven’t I’d recommend getting it after you recover from surgery as it can reduce the risk of reoccurrence in the future. Good luck on your journey xxx