Updated treatment and diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 6 subscribers
  • Diagnosis in 2020 SCC. In lymph nodes 
  •  two, sixth month chemotherapy treatment sessions using carboplatin and plaxatol 2021 & 2022, which had given me two extra years against doing nothing.  Back in January, the cancer returned and I was then told another 6 cycles of chemotherapy treatment this time carboplatin and Gemcitabine.  Finished round five today and received results from last week's scan. 
  • Liver lesion was 3.5 now 1.5.  All smaller lesions gone and lymph nodes normal.  
  • Will have one more cycle then another scan 
  • Doubtful I can continue with more chemotherapy treatment this intense but we have many other option that we will discuss if and when we need to.   He's talking 8/12 months clear.

Im perfectly content.  It is what it is, I'm in a much  better position than many others. Hopefully the final scan in six weeks will show further reductions..no reason why it should not... then it's back to three monthly scans and reviews.  I hope this gives hope to some 

  • Wonderful news Tanya. Let’s hope you can have a long time treatment free. You’re an inspiration for a lot of people diagnosed with CUP who despair 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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