Treatment begun for the third time

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After two, sixth month chemotherapy treatment sessions using carboplatin and plaxatol, which had given me two extra years against doing nothing.  My lovely consultant, here in Spain , had kept in the carboplatin but switched to a drug known as Gemzar in the UK.   If my liver lesion and lymph nodes not reduces after three cycles. He's applied to go onto immunotherapy treatment and chemo.  But it cancer terms ,three months is a long way off so we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

This is the first time I've actually felt unwell with cancer, I've never had symptoms before just the scan results showing the truth of it. I have a few painful areas that might  or might not be connected.  TBH it's the fatigue that gives it away with my body fighting cancer and the normal stuff we get.    We've just got back from the UK where we spent much needed time with family. Tiring but worth every ache and pain .   I'll update you when I get any significant news.  Take care