Liver cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hello All, my names Linda and my husband was diagnosed with secondary Liver cancer totally out of the blue on Thursday night, we don’t know where the primary is.  We’re waiting for an appointment for a biopsy but every minute that ticks away leaves me frantic that it’s there inside him and we’re doing nothing to try and slow it down.  Everyone is being so kind but nothing seems to stop this ever increasing knot in my stomach xxx

  • Hello /  Linda and welcome to the online community, I am sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis and that he’s in that waiting period for other tests, time seems to slow down and nearly stop when you’re in that limbo, or is that just me. 

    I can see that this is your first post on line and I wanted to welcome you and congratulate you (as it took a while for me to post) and a hoped you wouldn’t mind if I suggested a few more groups and things for you to get the best out of the Macmillan site. 

    You have given a lovely introduction to yourself which you might want to put in your profile (if you haven’t already done so while I was typing this) it’s not compulsory but helps people when they reply to you and when you reply to others, to get a feel for why you’re here. The information on profiles is in the link below, just click on it and scoot down to the bottom for info on going to someone’s profile and entering your own.

    I also thought as a carer for your husband you might like to join the carers group and possibly also the secondary liver cancer group, so I’ve put the links below for you to find, click on the group and join if you want to and set a preference for how often you want to be notified of posts.

    I make a lot of use out of the information and support pages especially on coping, I will put that link in for you aswell

    Im sorry I seem to have gone into link overload this morning when I just wanted to just pop in and say hello, this Group is fairly quiet as people often move on to other groups if as a diagnosis and treatment starts, and I remember my first anxious weeks, they never did find my primary but for me the biopsy told them what type of cancer it was and I could then move on for treatment. I don’t think I’d thought about different cancers having different treatments and that’s why there was a wait, and the waiting is often the worst unless you can keep your mind focussed on something more pleasant for the rest of the time. 

    Im sorry that you’ve needed to find the site, but hope you find it as supportive and warming as I have.

    Best wishes 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thankyou so much for responding, yesterday wasn’t a good day and My husband  was very quiet,  I work in adult Social Work with learning disabilities and often this client group don’t tend to understand that people  may have problems of their own so I’ve taken time out of work to be there for my husband and do whatever he needs to make life a little bit easier.  I was glad to receive your advise and I will look at the other groups.  

    They spoke about the possibility it could be a rare cancer and bile duct cancer was loosely mentioned which I of course googled then wished I hadn’t! Yesterday I was in sort out mode! In my job I try to fix things so I was like a women possessed whilst my poor husband looked on with raised eye brows! We did laugh at one point when I said to him your going to be a grumpy nightmare aren’t you and he agreed stating “well aren’t I always” I haven’t broached him joining a support group or going on here yet but he has amazing friends who are rallying round and he isn’t big on sharing emotions with anyone.

    looking st your profile your a very busy active lady, I walk miles and love nothing more than a good hike but I’m afraid I’m rubbish at netball at 5.2 I’m vertically challenged!!!Slight smile Whereas my husbands very tall so would be fantastic!! 

    Again Thankyou for reaching out to me I did feel better xx

  • Hi , I laughter to at your grumpy nightmare sentence. I am glad you feel a bit better, I find sometimes when I’m having a wobble that just writing things down and reading them back again can feel a bit therapeutic, as often there’s the relief that you feel you can handle the uncertainty a bit better than you at first thought you could. 

    I understand the need to google to try and get ahead of the game with information, it helps to feel a bit more in control of the situation, but it can also be a bit frightening depending on the sources you read and can be a waste of time as a diagnosis and treatment plan moves on. 

    I do keep busy but a lot of that is procrastinating unfortunately, and replacing not working. Really good to hear that your husband has a good support network around him, I’m not imagining they’re netball players though !! 

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    I think Nigel would like nothing more than to play netball with a group of athletic women in shorts!! Joy 

    Hes tired at the moment which is a struggle for him so lots of day time TV and funeral plan adverts! “Are you over 50 we can offer affordable life insurance” he looked at me and said I think we’ve missed the boat there Linda, at which point we both burst out laughing! Probably not appropriate but we’ve both got quite dark humour at times which is probably a good thing! 

    So today I’ve got up and decided I’m going to decorate the porch and I know for a fact he’s going to moan like mad and be pacing up and down like basil faulty, but I also know he’ll love getting away with it because he’s poorly! and I’ll let him have that Slight smile Xx

  • Hi , just checking if you’ve finished painting the porch, continuing to laugh at the adds, and wishing you both luck for biopsy results which are coming up soon.

    Take care KT