New diagnosis triple negative breast cancer

  • 17 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi guys,

I have just yesterday been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in my left breast and left axillary lymph node that we know of.

it has come as such a shock as 3 weeks ago I was fine. I found a lump in my armpit and saw my GP who found a lump in my breast that I haven’t found (I am only 44 so hadn’t had mammograms).

I am now waiting for CT and MRI to see if it has spread but I am so scared as I’ve read the prognosis for grade 4 is not very good at all.

i have a lot of pain in my lymph node and struggle to get dressed now and can only sleep on my back and today I have started with chills/hot flushes and bad nausea and diarrhoea so now I have convinced myself it has spread and I’m struggling with my stress.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

  • Dear Kiwi

    I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been diagnosed with tnbc, it is not a nice thing to hear. It’s been 2 months since my diagnosis and I still remember the anxiety and stress I went through. Have they told you what stage and grade it is? Normally tnbc is grade 3 as it is fast growing, but it doesn’t have a grade 4 as far as I know. Please do get in touch with your GP if you are struggling to cope. I did and got some diazepam just to help me cope for a short while (they only give it for short term). You can also discuss your other symptoms with the GP and they may be able to help  

    I also thought that every ache I got was due to the cancer spreading, but that is what your mind will do to you. Try not to think the worst and please try and stay off google. It will only upset you further. 

    I know it’s not easy, but try and stay as positive as you can and reach out to people on here. It has helped me tremendously. Sending you best wishes and hugs. Xxx

  • Hi Jess,

    Thank you for your advice and kind words.

    i only got the biopsy results yesterday so still a huge shock!

    I think they said grade 2/3 but need MRI and CT to stage so not sure yet.

    i have gone private as through work and I have nurses number so may call them tomorrow. I just can’t eat and really nauseous and vomiting and diarrhoea and feel awful. This is before chemo!

    Really worried about chemo side effects!

    Was meant to be going to Thailand in a few days for my birthday so that’s another blow

    just so worried!

    thanks again!

  • I have started chemo on Paclitaxel en Carboplatin and so far it hasn’t been too bad. They give you lots of anti nausea meds. I just get quite tired, but I’m on sick leave so don’t have to worry about work atm. Get in touch with the nurse and find out if they can give you something. You need to be able to eat and sleep. Good luck. Xx

  • Thank you. Will call them tomorrow. I’ve not even started any treatment yet so don’t know I’m feeling so sick and aching and hot and cold.

    Will call the nurses in the morning,

    I will be on sick leave when I start treatment too.

    Glad to hear you aren’t feeling too bad! Xx

  • My daughter was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer while she was breastfeeding and they also found another type of cancer on the other side she has had chemo immune therapy and surgery  after a scan all cancer gone just got to have radiation as preventive treatment. It’s devastating but stay positive u can do this our manta has been eat drink rest recover we all got this.  My daughter was diagnosed in January after initially feeling devastated and heartbroken we are now positive and upbeat.  Best of luck to you

  • Thank you. I am glad your daughter is doing well!

    How did your daughter cope with the side effects of chemotherapy etc if you don’t mind me asking?

    I think I’m just overthinking until I get results. I am Now having dizzy spells too which I’ve read can be a sign of metastases to brain. This is what I am scared of!

    Thanks again for taking the time to message!

  • hi  we expected the worse I imagined the worst first chemo dosage was too high she was in bed for 2 days tired feeling sick she was sad she could not interact with her baby and five year old I keep taking little snacks and drinks up to her as she lost her appetite third day she got up still felt sick and tired but not too bad I took baby to child minder and did school rum but when I got home she was pottering about good good second dose lowered so just felt sick mouth felt funny lots of jiggly things but umm not too bad in fact she said to me mum I don’t feel that bad I hope in chemo is working. She said cold cap was really painful but worth it she kept all her hair just a few little patches  on the whole it’s been tough but not so bad   U got to be strong be positive u have so much on your mind your head will be all over the place  dizziness could be just your stress levels.  My daughter had to ,it’s a couple of rounds of chemo as her neraphils where low we were worried but apparently this is normal.  Wish all the best stay in touch 

  • please don’t be googling every symptom u have drive u crazy google healthy eating and things that can help you 

  • Thank you so much for all your help and sharing your daughters story.

    I guess it’s the fear of the unknown!

  • Yes yes it is omg I was thinking all sorts of stuff but once the treatment started and we had a clear plan of the treatments we went into survival mode we started eating healthy little and often well apart from after one chemo session and went by Greggs sausage roll and a cake lol whatever she fancies I’ll get it lol