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hello I am new just been diagnosed this week it is triple negative grade 3 but they suspect it had already moved to my lungs as they found no lesions on both lungs . Devastated not sleeping been Googling which I don’t think helps. 

  • No don’t worry Letty. I started my treatment early February. I had 3 cycles of EC chemo three weeks apart and am now on a weekly regime of Paclitaxel/carboplatin. After my treatment today I will be half way through. I opted to have chemo before surgery on the advice of the breast surgeon.

    What i meant by the plans for the next stage was following results of genetics and MRI scan which I expect in more detail this week. I do have a treatment plan for the rest of my time but I know it can be subject to tweaks as things progress. I have learned that you just have to go with the flow and know that the journey will have a few bumps.

    I’m in Leeds - where are you??

    jAN X

  • Hi my mum is 83 and will be devastated we have a very special relationship. When I do tell her I am thinking of staying with her only because I am still he little girl that she will want to take care off. I am 60 in July and my twins are 25 but still my babies. My partner of 16 years is the same he is not a demonstrative person but he is acting rather strange, not sure he is coping as well. 

    when did you tell your mum I am worried it may make her I’ll. I should have been in Florida at the end of May for my 60th I was going to swim with the dolphins . I may have to pretend I am there if I have still not told her 

    thank you for the hug much needed at the moment 

  • She lives with my sister and my sister was going away and I had my mum at my house for 2weeks , I sat her down and told her it was terrible we both cried but I asked her to be strong for me which she is bless her. She went shopping and bought me some turbans incase I lose my hair when I start chemo , I had to tell her as I couldn’t be myself as my mind was all over the place and she would of known I was t right . I have to say I felt much better afterwards , I have told most of my friends and neighbours and I have had so much support it’s been so uplifting. I was 58 2 weeks ago so make sure you enjoy your 60 th make it as special as you are and have fun . My friends came round and brought lunch as I had only just had my lumpectomy it was lovely . Then I had the kids round for a takeaway it was nice to feel normal again .Take care x

  • Hi Jan

    i am in Manchester so both Northern .

    Ah I understand now I was worried that it may not start my treatment for another 3 months. I may haveMestadtic breast cancer if it has gone into my lungs so I am worried .

    I am at the Nightingale at Wythenshawe and they have been amazing

    How did your day go are you feeling okay 

    Lettie xx

  • Hi fleurlilly

    How are you getting on ? Sending you a big hug x

  • Hi Bonnie Boo

    lots happening it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster for the past few weeks. Have my treatment plan which will start 9th June .

    hiw are you keeping ?


  • Hi Letty

    Thats good news , I see the oncologist 7 th June hoping to get started soon after. I am also having genetic testing 15 th June . I need more surgery as the margins were clear from the original lump but found a new early cancer on the edge !! Take care xxx

  • Hi Bonnie Boo

    Sorry to hear that they found a new cancer while doing the op and that you need another operation.

    Best of luck with your oncologists appointment, the genetic testing and the further operation.

    Best wishes


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  • Thanks Daisy I will let you know what they say you take care too xx