How far in advance of chemo do you have blood tests?

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I’ve had an appointment card through the post today it says to book in for blood tests on Tuesday 6th February. Chemo starts the following day at 3pm. It says book blood tests with the “closer to home” service. My local service doesn’t appear to do Tuesdays and there’s no option to book at hospital. I didn’t get home from work until after the booking service had closed. So my question is usually how far in advance can you have blood tests? Does it have to be 24 hours? I will ring them in the morning but was just wondering. 

  • Hi WhatNext,

    My chemo was on Mondays.

    I had blood tests on the previous Thursday at my GP's surgery.

    On the Monday am I would get them done again at the hospital. Sometimes they did change during that time. 

    It is worth calling and getting some clarification.

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I’ve been having my bloods done on Tuesday, oncology call me on Wednesday and chemo has been on Thursday until recently when it changed to Friday. 

  • Hi WhatNext

    Bloods have to be done 24 hours before your chemo starts, the blood spoils if the blood is done 48+ hours.

    Do you have the Swiftqueue service online to book bloods in, you get different hospitals in your area that you can book with, some hospitals offer a walkin service, you need to queue early but you get seen. I went down this route, it was the easier option for me.

    Good Luck with your journey. 

  • My hospital want them done no more than 48 hours before treatment. I have no idea what they do for people having treatment on a Monday though. 

  • I was a Monday chemo. I had full bloods done at GP on the Thursday and then others done on the day of chemo. I think these were more general ones.


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm