Levothyroxine Side affects

  • 5 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hey people 

Anyone struggling with side affects from Levothyroxine?

I'm on 175mg and he wanted to go higher to lower my tsh a little more it was 0.18 but decided not too due to all my side affects.

Diarrhoea, palpitations, weight gain, heat intolerance, sweating, headaches, tiredness and insomnia which is random.

From what I gather this is till at least December but oh my is it a struggle atm to keep focused and not let things affect me, feel like I'm down mostly these days, even dieting doesn't work ShrugSee no evil

  • As I understand the guidance given to me it is normal to suppress tsh levels to below 0.5 for 9-12 months after RAI treatment (sometimes higher if you are over 50 years old as suppression sometimes linked to osteoporosis. I was suppressed to below 0.1 and had all the symptoms you mention apart from diarrohea. As I am 3.5 years on and have had encouraging annual checks my tsh is being managed between 0.5 and 2. I was advised that fluctuations in weight should not happen when my levothyroxine is at correct level but controlling increases has been a regular fight. I now sleep well and can tolerate heat but not direct sun. I hope for you that better days are ahead but meantime if it all gets too much speak to your cns or consultant.

  • Hi,

    I really feel for you.  I have had some of your symptoms and my last TSH was 0.01 Tiredness, palpitations and intermittent insomnia since completion surgery in January. I’m off work with low mood and anxiety but not sure if it’s the Levothyroxine as well. I have RAI booked for mid June and hoping that it won’t add to my symptoms. I have IBS but not sure if that has been exacerbated by it all ! 
    mum trying to understand it all ! 

  • Hey, thanks for the replies!

    I had RIA in Feb and so far haven't had any side effects, it's deffo the Levothyroxine dose for me that's causing the issues.

    I also have IBS and PCOS all been diagnosed since the start of all this nightmare.

    I'm trying my best to keep working I'm on half days most days but have been doing extra to try earn some more money but have to rest some days as I end up exhausted!

    The insomnia is so annoying though!

    As is the weight gain is actually as dieting isn't working I'm just gaining which is really discouraging.

  • Hey,

    Been having headaches now too, rang GP who thinks it's my blood levels rather than the Levothyroxine and has given me some Naproxen to try which so far so good, yesterday was the first day in weeks I didn't have a headache all day. She has also increased my propranolol back to 80sr from the 40's I was on.

    Fingers crossed they keep working because it's sooo frustrating trying to live like that!

  • Hi

    I am on 100mcg a day, I put on weight, was feeling tired, shortness of breath and having headaches. I went to my doctor, he told levothyroxine has no side affects lol. Said I didn't need a blood test and asked me if I had sleep apnea and if I enjoyed a drink. I left feeling a bit low and annoyed