Coughing phlegm

  • 8 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi all, not been on for a long while, so here's my update, I had radioiodine in January, the last few months I have been coughing up thick green phlegm several times a day, I don't know if that's normal with my papillary thyroid cancer with lung mets? I am not seeing my consultant until June as I can't have any more radioiodine coz I have had 3 lots already, I do apologise for people I have chat with I have lost my updates due to my lack of it skills, I hope all is well with the people I chat with love Tomo xxxx 

  • Hi Tomo, good to hear from you. Are you able to contact you Clinical Nurse Specialist and ask about the phlegm? Mine's been a lifeline in-between consultant visits and responds to emails really quickly. Perhaps they could bring your appointment forward?

    Sorry that's not really much help, my variant doesn't respond to RAI so I've not had it. Hope someone with experience of this will reply soon and put your mind at rest x

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hi k9crazy. Thanks for your reply, I did have a cancer nurse when I was under ent surgeon, I have been discharged by him as he had done his job, so I'm under nuclear medicine consultant. I assume I can call the cancer nurse from ent and ask her. I know surgeon left part of tumour in my throat or else I would have had to have tracheaotomy. Not sure spelt right lol. I am alot lucky than most people on here, been told the cancer in lungs not curable but treatable with radioiodine. I hate the dieting as my consultant want me to be on it for 5 wks before radioiodine treatment, but he has discussed with whether I could concider a very large dose to see if it could kill the cancer in my lungs, I will try if he offers me again, he went on about antibodies last time but it goes over my head doh! Love to all Tomo xxxx

  • Hi Tomo,

    Ah I see, I didn't realise you got signed off from ENT but I'd still hope your previous nurse would give you a bit of advice if you contacted her, or at least point you in the right direction. I've been reassured mine will always be there for me, I really hope she is, as I'd feel really lost without that point of contact. How are you now? Still coughing up phlegm?

    When your consultant went on about antibodies, was he talking about immunotherapy? I don't know anything about it but I'm hearing it talked about on here more and more. That would be great if it would give you another option, or would that be alongside the larger radioiodine dose? I'm the same I just can't seem to be able to take it all in when I'm in appointments. I furiously take notes and sit in the car after filling them in! Hope you get some answers soon, keep us posted how you're getting on x

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Thanks for replying k9crazy, I was discharged from ent cause there was no more surgically to be done at the moment, so that's why I'm under nuclear consultant, I'm having consultation on Monday as I didn't want to go up the hospital as I know what he is gonna say  ie scan bloodtests ect which can be done over phone. I want to have a rant about holiday insurance and I feel they charge us really high to go on holiday, I didn't want to pay it but my commander in charge said we must pay. Don't they realise we suffer enough with our illnesses and deserve a couple of weeks in the sun a year without paying high premiums. Rant over! how's you doing k9crazy. Take one day at a time try not to think about cancer too much, do something you enjoy and distract negative thoughts love to all Tomo xxx

  • Hey Tomo,

    I wonder if it's something to do with the radioiodine treatment as I had mine on 14th February and past 7 weeks I've had X3 chest infection, COVID, cough with green or yellow phlegm, phlegm white frothy. Currently waiting for chest x-ray results as I seem not to be able to get rid of it and since my treatment I've had kidney infection, UTI and chest infection galore. I did read that we have lower immunity against bugs and germs so maybe we just more vulnerable for awhile. 

    Hope your well x

  • Hi Tomo, how did it go today with the consultant

    And yes, I agree with your rant about holiday insurance! As if we don't have enough to deal with. I'm planning to go away in my campervan, that's my distraction. Just 2 nights to start with and only an hour away just to see how I get on. Amazing how it all knocks your confidence, aswell as the physical stuff.

    Anyway let us know how you got on if you can. X

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hi TrinityTrace, since last time on the gp gave me a course of antibiotics which seemed to help for a while but now it's come back, I seem to have a dry cough at night and feel like ache and mild pain in centre of my chest. I have full body pet scan this Friday and see my consultant Tuesday as I have not been allowed and radioiodine because I had alot but 6 months has passed so have to wait and see what he says Tuesday, he told me first appointment that it was incurable in my lungs so bit confused as what he expects radioiodine to do with my lung mets? I do hope all is going good for  everyone love to all Tomo xxxx 

  • Hi k9 nice to hear from you, I have not talked to my cancer nurse for over 2 years since I was assigned but will have chat, I have had pet scan and saw my consultant who said there's no change in my lungs mets but said he will give another radioiodine treatment in October and if it remains the same he will stop treatment until mets  worsen, I assume it will be a wait and see what happens, I'm not sure what he means if treatment not doing much ect. I have had a lovely holiday in Egypt, it was fab snorkeling and swimming in the red sea. I try and make the most of life at the moment as time maybe against me, my consultant said he is trying to keep me alive so I just enjoy myself as much as I can, love to all Tomo xxx