Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy

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I had late Stage 3 Thyroid Cancer in 2017 when I was 18/19 years old. I had a total thyroidectomy and left neck dissection as well as RAI Treatment between 2017 and 2018. Ever since then I have struggled with my thyroid levels and constantly have my medication changed. 

I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and already had my Levothyroxine increased twice, I’m up to 200mg a day now. While this is great, my body still feels dreadful and I’m wanting to start taking supplements. I know I should be speaking to my GP about this but the waiting time for an appointment is well over a month in advance and I feel like I shouldn’t wait that long. I’ve tried looking online to see what supplements I’m allowed to take while pregnant with hypothyroidism but all Google tells me is different thyroid supplements to take which is completely irrelevant to my predicament. 

I’m wondering if anyone else has some insight and experience with this? I don’t know if a general pharmacy has enough knowledge on previous thyroid cancer, thyroid levels and the correct things to take that don’t counteract Levothyroxine but also don’t damage baby in process. 

Thank you in advance and I wish you all well :) 

  • Hi SageAstral, sorry to hear you were diagnosed at such a young age and have continued to struggle with your thyroid levels. Mine have taken a year to creep up into normal range and I still feel rubbish, so I understand why you're turning to supplements. I'm interested to know what supplements you mean, do you mean vitamins or something else to support the absent thyroid's job? I decided to take vitamin B12 and D3 but I make sure I take them at lunchtime so they don't interfere with my Levothyroxine which I take at around 6am. I was going to take magnesium but googled it can interfere so have left that.

    I agree having to wait months for GP appts is unhelpful and to be honest I'm not sure mine really have the in depth knowledge either, are you able to still ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist? I'm waiting on a referral to Endocrinology from my ENT consultant, so I'm holding onto the hope that will help me, could you ask for that?

    Sorry not very helpful really and can't help with the pregnancy side of things but hopefully someone with more relevant experience will reply soon :)