Something new after PTC

  • 10 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I had a Hemithyroidectomy in February for a nodule on my right lobe that came back as PTC. A few weeks after, went to have an ultrasound and all was looking well but in the last week or so I have felt something similar to when I had the nodule. I clean ovens and have to move my arms and shoulders in lots of different positions and when I have might right arm at a certain height, I feel like a pushing in my neck that sometimes makes my ear feel strange. Also a bit of shoulder stiffness sometime that possibly could just be part of the job. I’ve had a feel around and can feel something there and it moves around slightly but can’t quite pinpoint exactly what it or where it is. Maybe it’s deep? I’m guessing lymph node (with help from Dr Google). Before I phone go I’m just wondering if anybody else has had this? Is it normal after having surgery? Can anything sinister have manifested so quickly? Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Hi Oggy6871, sorry I haven't experienced quite those symptoms and in fact have a different variant (medullary) and different op but did convince and scare myself that I felt a new lump in my neck recently not long before I was due a routine consultant appt. Thankfully consultant said I was fine. My neck feels completely different after a bilateral neck dissection and a lot of material removed, so I'm still getting used to different lumps and bumps I can now feel! If it were me with your new symptoms, I would definitely contact my CNS. They might be able to make an appointment with your consultant directly to check it? (I've lost faith in my GP sorry.) I can't help my underlying fear of reoccurrence, so I certainly empathise and hope yours turns out to be nothing sinister too.

  • Thankyou for the reply. Having it looked at tomorrow at the GP. My rational mind says it’s nothing but there a voice in my head telling me it’s bad. I suppose this is it for now on. Always wondering every time I find something new or feel off RoflRoflRofl

  • Glad you're getting it checked out tomorrow, let us know how you get on. Yes I've not regained my health after my op like I naively thought I would and I always find myself wondering if it's down to soBlushmething still lurking that's been missed! Probably not but yes like you said, I guess we'll always wonder. GrimacingBlush

  • Looks like you got some bonus emojis there sorry Joy

  • Haha no worries. When I was writing the reply to you I was having the emojis popping up everywhere. Rofl Glitch maybe?

  • How did you get on with the GP?

  • Hi. They felt something there so it’s not my mind playing tricks on me lol. I’m going to have an urgent ultrasound and have bloods taken for thyroid function test. She says it could be still swelling from the operation but going to have a look anyway. Having the test because of feeling lousy all the time.

    Hiws things with you?

  • Ohh you knew something wasn't right! At least they're fast tracking the US and bloods. Hopefully it is just swelling then. Are you on any levothyroxine or did tft show the remaining half of your thyroid originally take up the slack?

    I'm not doing bad considering, thanks for asking :) (not risking emojis taking over again haha)

  • This is the thing. The GP said I should have had a function test already but I have never had a letter or appointment booked and she questioned how soon they did the ultrasound after the operation. It’s all very much felt like I’ve been left in the dark during the whole episode. Or maybe that how it felt, it was a bit of a whirlwind. I’m on no medication at the moment so I would hazard a guess that’s why I’m under the weather or it could be other issues as I’m being checked for Crohns. Hopefully get some answers in the next few weeks.

  • Oh yes I totally agree it feels like at first it's just a mad whirlwind up to the op, then after you're left trying to process it all, slot back into life and figure out what's next. As your op was in Feb maybe they're waiting for a couple months to see what the other half of your thyroid does? Just a guess. Getting the thyroxin right seems a bit of a dark art so if your levels are low it could be adding to making you feel rubbish. I know it was with me. But I'm sorry to hear you're being tested for Crohn's too. No wonder you don't feel your best! Let me know how you get on.