Thyroglobulin remaining elevated

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all,

I'm hoping to tap into the wealth of information that members here have! I  was just wondering what it means when thyroglobulin remains elevated (mid-high teens) but relatively stable post TT and RAI treatment. Chest CT shows 2 mediastinal nodes that have slightly increased from 11mm-13mm since initial scan before my surgery in Nov 2020. My consultant says he can't say either way whether these are related to the thyroid cancer but I'm wondering if it's likely/probable that they are? There was no uptake in the chest area on post-RAI scans and no suggestion that I will have to go for more. 

Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated! It's the uncertainty that's so hard to deal with. 

  • Sorry I can't help you with the question re Thyroglobulin as I have just had my RAI and have had no feedback yet re blood tests/uptake etc.  I also have 2 tiny nodules in my lung and I was never given a size or anything.  I was told by the surgeon that hopefully the RAI will take care of them but they are too tiny to do anything with them at this point and they don't know whether they are Thyroid related or not.  On the other hand my Oncologist said RAI will not get rid of them, so I don't know what or who to believe now.  In fact there was no mention of them on the report she was looking at and she said she would have to follow it up.  I am waiting for my appointment with the Oncologist post RAI and have a few questions I need to ask her from my last appointment and the follow up letter I received a copy of.  I had to research some of the terminology because I honestly don't remember what she said when I was in the appointment if in fact she mentioned some of the things in the letter at all.  I hate all the uncertainty too and I hope someone can come back to you with more information that will help you.  Best wishes.

  • Thanks so much for your kind reply Petal. 

    I hope that your RAI is busy blasting everything away, however small or tiny. 

    It is so hard to remember everything when you go into the appointments. And I find they always manage to throw a curveball that makes me forget everything that I meant to ask. 

    I'm not sure that there is an answer to my question! As with so much of this thyroid stuff, I think it's probably wait and watch. I'm lucky in that I totally trust my ENT surgeon and am being monitored every few months with bloods, ultrasound, scans. 

    Thanks again for your reply. Take care. 

  • We certainly have to have a lot of patience don't we.  I now have an Ultrasound appointment for next week, as I mentioned another lymph node at an appointment yesterday at the Voice Clinic.  By the time I got home 2 hours later I got a phone call asking me to attend for the US next week.  I must say they are on the  ball.  Fingers crossed it is nothing to worry about.

  • The presence of measurable Tg means only that you still have thyroid cells in your body. It doesn't mean that they are cancer cells. This can happen because the surgeons can't get everything out fully. 

    Only thyroid cells produce Tg so if the Tg is stable but not zero, whatever is there is still there but the cells are not growing or being more active.

    The time to worry (and worrying isn't a useful thing at the best of times) is if you start to see a steady upward trend in your Tg results.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Thanks Barbara. 

    yes, it's hard to remember sometimes that it indicates thyroid cells rather than cancer cells. However, it is a bit disconcerting when all of those pesky cells are meant to be zapped. 

    Thanks again Barbara.