My mum was diagnosed with stage 4a cervical cancer in March 2019. In that same year on a pet scan her thyroid flashed up, she was ultrasound scanned and all ok. This has happened last week (January 2022) aswell. She needs another ultrasound. Is this common? Is there more reasons for the thyroid to flash up on a pet scan?
Thank you for reading
We don't get a lot of questions about PET scans because they are very rarely used with thyroid cancers and when they are, it's to look for places the thyroid cancer might have spread too - I think I only know one person in the TC group who had one in 11 years with the group.
As I understand it, PET scans pick up areas of high metabolic activity. That includes cancer cells, but also PET scans light up areas that are not necessarily cancer, including areas of inflammation, infection, trauma, or recent surgery.
When a doctor first starts investigating a possible thyroid lump, they usually start with an ultrasound scan but it takes more steps (fine needly biopsy and sometimes even surgery) to conclusively diagnose a thyroid cancer.
Best wishes
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