Thyroid surgery

  • 1 reply
  • 26 subscribers

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how long they waited from diagnosis to actually having surgery. Obviously with the Covid pandemic that is going on, I have no idea how long I'm going to be waiting and its more just to put my mind at ease a little.

Any reply is appreciated 

Thanks in advance 

  • I think it would be impossible to guess given the current circumstances. Even without Covid, the waiting time can be very variable. A lot depends on how big, whether there's a suggestion of spread, which hospital and how busy it is, whether the surgeon just booked 2 weeks golfing on the Algarve and a whole ton of other stuff. 

    Also, a lot of us have surgery PRE-diagnosis (especially for follicular TC).

    I don't think we can really put your mind at ease - but I would suggest you ask the doctors again and again, let them know if you are available in the event of a cancellation, and get your pre-med checks done so you're good to go.

    Sorry about that, but they won't delay you unnecessarily.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous