Thyroid needle aspiration

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone,

newbie here....  rang hospital today re TNA for result and was told it would be discussed in a meeting next week.  Assuming result wasnt benign,  anyone tell me if this means its could be malignant ??
had breast cancer last year.  Thanks 

  • Hello

    The Fine Needle Aspiration test is the best early warning we've got but it's still pretty rubbish. The results you got range from 'definitely not', to 'might be', to 'yep, that's it for sure'. And then there's a significant number that come back as 'not enough sample to be able to analyse'.  The second most common type is impossible to diagnose conclusively.

    So, there's a bunch of different things a multi-disciplinary team could be discussing. They might be wondering whether to do it again, whether to 'wait and see' and have a look again in a few months. Or they may be deciding whether to take half of it in order to check or whip the whole lot out in one go. I don't think you can assume which of those things they're going to discuss.

    Best wishes


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