weight gain

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Morning all

I had a right hemithroidectomy on the 19th june and after my weight loss stopped - now all of a sudden I have put on 10lbs in a week and its scary. I go to see the surgeon in a follow up appointment on 6th august. do I speak to him or get in touch with my gp.

feeling awful as I had lost 2 stone and my diabetes was really in control - now its not!

  • Hello

    I can totally understand how upsetting that must be, especially when you've worked so hard to get things under control. 

    I'm going to guess that as it was a hemi, the docs may not have put you on thyroxine yet. I'm sorry that I've not been following the threads carefully so I don't know the outcome of your surgery but if you had cancer and the docs are going to do a completion, they'll put you on thyroxine straight after surgery. If it was benign and you don't need further treatment, sometimes they leave you to see if your remnant thyroid can 'cope'. I'd say it's pretty clear that what you have left isn't doing the job.

    Ask for a blood test and most likely that will show that you need to be put on thyroxine to supplement what your remaining half is doing. Once you are medicated appropriately, you should be able to get your weight loss back in line again. 

    If your GP is one where you can quickly get a blood test done, then no problem to go ahead and do that but it's only 5 days now until you see the surgeon so if you can't get the GP before that, it's not too long to wait.

    This should be temporary. It's upsetting but it's explainable and fixable so try not to let it get you down too much. 

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to barbaral

    Thank you so much for that boost. I will hang on to see what the surgeon says and hope things get back on track x