Recently diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Good evening! 

Still can’t quite believe I’m here, but here goes.... 

I’ve just been diagnosed with follicular thyroid cancer (last Friday )

in brief, father in law noticed a lump in my neck whilst drinking in the pub! GP sent me for ultrasound (nodules U3/U4) / FNA inconclusive?then advised to have a hemi thyroidectomy due to size and pushing on my windpipe. They removed half my thyroid and lump the size of a grapefruit!

My consultant wasn’t expecting anything concerning, but unfortunately pathology results came back as follicular thyroid cancer.

Consultant said that I’m a borderline case as to either take the wait and watch method or have a total thyroidectomy followed by RAI

Im due back on 2nd July to let them know my decision. I’m leaning toward TT for piece of mind. I have a list of questions however Are there any questions I should be asking!

Many thanks 

  • Hey there trollydolly, 

    Welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry you have to be here! 

    If you've any general questions then you can ask them here and we can try and answer them for you if you like? Give you some knowledge before going in so things make more sense when the Dr is talking about it all. 

    The main question to ask is if you go with the watch and wait, how would they monitor you for recurrence and how frequently. Quite often folks with hemis get forgotten about, or seem to be, so knowing what should happen when means that if you go that route and it doesn't happen, then you can chase it up. 

    Hope that helps! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thankyou Lass!

    i have gained a huge amount of info from reading lots of posts on here.

    Think I’m leaning towards having the other half removed as I really don’t want the thought of what is in the other side hanging over me! At least I know 100% once removed. Also I’m in good health at the moment and I have lots of help with my children so now seems like a good time to do it as opposed to later on (possibly)

    Taking each appointment as it comes! I’ll be sure to revisit when I have e questions!