Oncology today

  • 10 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all,just home from hospital,saw oncologist today who summarised everything.apparently I had a couple more tumours than I knew about already,so glad I had TT,I'm booked in for may 13th for higher dose of Rai..having 2injections on the weekend before,so can keep taking my meds, explained that I'm tired and have aches and pains and some days I struggle more ,the idea seems to be I do more ,to feel less tired. ...mmm ..and I'm to cut my calcium down slowly over the next 6weeks as my levels are good ,then I can stop the vit d to ..not sure how I feel right now ,anyone been the same?xx

  • Apologies if you've posted them elsewhere on the forum, but do you have any recent blood test results that we can review and see if they can help to explain how you're feeling?

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Sounds good and standard on the update and RAI, and fab that it's all whipped out since there was more hiding away!

    And yes, it's normal to wean you off the calcium and to stop Vitamin D. The calcium is hopefully just supposed to be a temporary measure while your parathyroids are in shock. So hopefully by weaning you off after they've had a bit of a rest, then it means they will pick back up again. 

    Same goes with Vitamin D. Ideally you should only need it to kick start your system again, then your system will do the work itself. Just make sure you get outside for 20 mins a day ish, with your face and arms uncovered. That should technically be enough for your body to make the Vitamin D it needs.

    Just make sure you know when you should get tested again to see how your levels are. I think it was 2 months for me after I was taken off my Vitamin D the first time. But do check when they recommend you're checked.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to barbaral

    Hi,she said my blood tests were fine ,happy with my results ,but because my calcium levels were ok she thought I could come of it,to try and see how I feel ,my T3,6.4(3.5-5.8)..T4,17.2(7.0-20.0).tsh 0.24.(0.3-5.0..im now on 200.levo ,started a week ago from 175 x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thank you lass,I've put up my bloods ...I have more on next page but mean nothing to me ,I felt abit line they didn't believe I could ache etc so much ,but it's very real ,and horrible ,I do too much and the next day I'm done in and I do try xx

  • Heya,

    Yes, it's a form of fatigue that sometimes happens after anaesthetic. This might be your second wall that you're hitting at the moment.

    The trick is to do little and often, then build up to more and more as you can. It builds up your stamina and resistance again. It should get easier the more fat and anaesthetic your body can get rid of, and doing stuff is the best way to do that I'm afraid.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    I walk as much as I can ...I get breathless for some strange reason.  .but I'm going to get brave and go swimming when the rai is done ,am I right that when the meds are stable I will feel more like my old self?xx

  • First get them stable, then get them right. Once the level is stable, it might still be too low or too high and they they'll tweak the dose. Then get a blood test done 6-8 weeks after the dose change and check again.

    Swimming - just keep in mind you'll be mildly radioactive for a while so get advice on when it's OK to swim. We wouldn't want you sweating or (sorry but it happens) peeing in the pool and making it radioactive. I would guess you'll be barred for at least a couple of weeks.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to barbaral

    Hi ,I'm having a blood test end of April :)and one in the morning of Rai so hopefully that will show if things are ok ...yes I thought that so will be waiting abit ,but I live walking ,even though I'm slow and can't go too far at once lol xx

  • If you're tracking your results in a notebook, ignore the morning of RAI ones, or put an asterisk beside them.

    It's because the injections you'll get will stimulate everything. So the results will totally be out of line with all the others.

    But yes, once they are stable and then right, you should feel back to yourself again. It just takes some time, and therefore more of that patience we always go on about. Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi,ah ok!!..never thought of that ,thank god I've got you guys ,I'm learning ,slowly ,I'm registered disabled at the minute,so hoping that once I'm sorted out I won't be ,feel abit of a fraud as I can do stuff on a good day ,just takes longer and usually the next day I'm done in xx