Second ultrasound

  • 7 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I had an ultrasound and FNA back in October which came up as Thy3f and now I have another ultrasound in a few weeks. Has anyone else had a repeat ultrasound and did they do another FNA?

  • Hey, yeah I had an ultrasound with an FNA came back Thy3a so went to MDT meetings, ended up with another ultrasound with another FNA which came back a Thy3f. Couldn't confirm exact diagnosis so ended up with full Thyroidectomy as I had Graves disease anyway and came back as Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid cancer.

    Hope that helps!

  • Thanks for your reply, I think I will prepare myself for a FNA just in case. I've had a lot of issues with swallowing for the last year or so, every time I lie on my back I tend to swallow every 30 seconds. Last time, they kept telling me not to swallow but I really struggled with that aspect for some reason. The medical staff were very understanding but I'd rather not go through it again but if I need to then I suppose it has to be done. Hope you are doing well post thyroidectomy. 

  • I had a fna which did not get a proper result but was classified at 3 I then had a core ultrasound biopsy which they use a bigger needle which mine turned out to be papillary carcinoma thyroid cancer which I had a full thyroidectomy. Have the all clear now.

  • Yeah I understand, at my appointment I tried my best not to swallow but the urge was horrendous, my guy said it would have been fine if I had swallowed but I assume depends where the nodule is is a big factor.

    I'm doing ok, surgery was fine no complications, I've had risk stratification done and I've came back low but my T4 levels are being silly ATM and are very high for some reason which is causing awful symptoms like headaches, tiredness etc.

  • Hi how often do you get a thyroid check as I have recently been referred back to gp my thyroid function has been stable for 2 blood test in a row but near the higher range. Not had one since end of November. 

  • It is really difficult, especially when they keep saying not to swallow. I think because of the location of my nodule right at the back of the thyroid and quite central, they said it was really important not to swallow.

    Glad you don't have any complications but hope you get to the bottom of what your T4 levels are doing. 

  • Thanks for your reply, glad you got the all clear!