
  • 9 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi Ladies

I was diagnosed in January 2022 with breast cancer. I had chemo (IV), single mastectomy, radiotherapy and further chemo in tablet form. Anyway, a few weeks ago I noticed a considerable swelling on my neck to the left side of my 'adam's apple. I called the Breast Care nurses who told me to make an appointment with my GP which I did and was then referred to ENT. I had a scan and needle biopsy as although there were a few nodules in the swelling there was only 1 that they couldn't decide if it was suspicious or not. That was 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for the results and in the meantime the swelling is getting worse. I was just wondering if anyone had had similar systems?

Thanks in advance x 

  • Hi LisaJD and welcome to this forum. Sorry to hear about your previous breast cancer diagnosis and that you're having to go through all this again. Waiting for results is such an anxious time. Have you tried chasing them? I tend to chase things if it goes over 2 weeks. The lump that appeared for me was on one side of my neck, about an inch up from collarbone but I'd had no previous history of a different cancer if that's what you're asking? Let us know how you get on anyway and hopefully someone will be on soon that has had a similar presentation and can help more.  may be able to help, if she doesn't mind my tagging her. I think I remember she may have both of those cancer diagnosis but I may have got that wrong? X

    Medullary Thyroid Cancer dx May 2023

  • Thank-you! I'm going to chase them up today if nothing comes in the post today as it's been over the 3 weeks and really just want to know one way or the other. Thank you again Blush

  • Hi  and  

    No I don't mind you tagging me at all but it wasn't me that had thyroid cancer and breast cancer I'm afraid.

    Wishing you all the best  

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Oops sorry   don't know why I had that in my head!

    Medullary Thyroid Cancer dx May 2023

  • No problem Slight smile

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • So nothing in the post yesterday so spoke to someone at ENT and was told that the consultant was on bereavement leave and the secretary was on holiday and the lady I spoke to was just covering the calls. Anyway, when she found my records she could see that I was waiting for a follow up appointment for the biopsy results and that she would chase it up immediately so hopefully Fingers crossed

    Thank you again for replying x   

  • Thank you and the same to you! You've certainly been through the mill Confused 

  • Oh gosh I feel for you! It's so awful just waiting. Especially as you've been through this nightmare before with your previous diagnosis. I wish they'd take into account people's emotions during a delay. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to hand a case file over to a colleague to handle during bereavement leave, just so patients aren't left in the agony of waiting. I remember for me the days and even hours and minutes were interminable and I didn't have any delays in my results! I hope you get answers soon and I have everything crossed for you x

    Medullary Thyroid Cancer dx May 2023

  • Thank you! I'd already had my first chemo (The hospital hadn't reached their target) before I had the results of any spread of the cancer last time and in the end had to call (My decisions would have been different if 'it' was anywhere else). I just hate being in limbo as ironically I'm not a worrier but hate the waiting. As they say 'It is what it is' and thanks again!

    Take care x