I know I’m getting the completion but I have no idea about anything else

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I had my thyroid nodule on the right side since my pregnancy with my oldest who turns 7 in December, there’s never been any suggestion that it’s anything sinister, they didn’t feel a need to do any biopsy’s. Last year they decided based on size that I should have the right side out. The surgeon decided to do a needle biopsy when deciding to put me on the waiting list last November but he said he was confident it was nothing sinister. Finally got my partial thyroidectomy at the end of may and I thought that was the end of it. 3 months later I get my post operation appointment, late because they had to send the nodule to two different pathologists to confirm what they were seeing, partly my fault because I cancelled the one before because I’d just gone back to work following maternity and surgery straight after maternity and I was certain it was just a formality appointment to discharge me. And it turns out they found out they found cancer. I’ve been feeling pretty calm about it because I know it’s the easily treatable cancer and I think I must have asked the surgeon three times but it’s out and he said yes, it is. 
 I was told I’d be discussed in the mdt meeting the following Tuesday and the probable outcome would be completion and he mentioned rai. That appointment was the 23/08, mdt 27/8, it’s been a month and I have not been contacted at all to tell me the results of mdt meeting. I know I’m on the waiting list for the surgery because I work in the surgery waiting list office, I was on annual leave the week of the meeting but I got a phone call from my supervisor to tell me they’ve received my referral and booked my pre assessment appointment. So my boss as well as the colleague that came across my referral knew I was getting the surgery before I did and knew my situation before I had a chance to tell them myself. 
So I know the surgery is happening, I’ve already had the pre assessment appointment but not sure about the rai, which worries me more because I am the default parent to a nearly seven year old and one year old and I really don’t want have to isolate from them. 
I suppose my question is did anyone know for sure they were getting the rai before they had the surgery or has anyone had the surgery and they decided on if you needed the rai based on the histology results and scans after? 
My supervisor says I really need to contact my surgeons secretary, it’s easy enough to do that via work emails but the last time she tried to ask the surgeon if she could give me information, she was told it’s best if they talk to me because they can explain it better. 
I’m fairly calm about this whole situation but it’s really annoying me that they haven’t contacted me a month later to tell me what was decided in the mdt meeting.