Managing body temperature on daily levothyroxine

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi there, I am 8 years on from being treated for follicular thyroid cancer and take daily levothyroxine therapy. I have always "run hot" but had a conversation with my consultant endocrinologist recently about whether the high suppressive dose of levothyroxine I'm on could have something to do with it.

I've lost some weight this year (1 stone and counting, took a while to figure out what worked for me post-treatment) and doing so has made very little difference to how hot and bothered I generally feel. I'm a bit worried about being hot and bothered during my upcoming wedding so wanted to see if there was anything that could be done.

Pending blood tests, he suggested trying a slight reduction in my overall weekly dose (150 ug for 6 days, then 100 ug 1 day rather than 150 ug everyday). Just wondering if anyone else has done this experiment and if it's made a difference? Thanks :)

  • Hi Fiona,

    I was diagnosed last year with follicular thyroid cancer and no longer have a thyroid so I rely completely on Levothyroxine. I'm finding it very hard going to physically adjust to this. I'm taking 150mcg daily and yes, my goodness I overheat really easily. I've always tended to be heat intolerant and you'd never have found me sunbathing but since taking Levo it's got much worse along with terrible brainfog, fatigue and memory issues. The Oncologist doesn't want to lower my dose yet to see if that could help my symptoms as he feels that it's too soon after my cancer diagnosis ( just over a year) to do so.

    Can I ask if you're seeing an Endocrinologist privately? The reason I ask is that the Oncologist referred me to an NHS Endo but the Endo didn't want to look at with my thyroid hormone blood results at all and just did some general Endocrine related blood tests which were normal and said that no more could be done for me from an Endocrinology point of view. It was disappointing! 

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding, I hope the day goes well for you and that the weather is on the cooler side too! 

  • Thanks River! Glad to know it's not just me. It was an NHS endocrinologist I saw. Just waiting for the usual free thyroxine/TSH/thyroglobulin blood test results plus another test relating to bone density which isn't usually done before potentially experimenting with the weekly dosage.

    They shared because I'm eight years on and treatment guidelines have evolved, had I been diagnosed today, they may not have bothered with radioiodine treatment post-surgery as my tumour was relatively small, so in my case they think at this stage it may be safe to start reducing the dose slightly.

    I've had a few endos over the years but my understanding is 2-5 years is the critical follow-up period.

    Thank you for your kind words :)

  • Hi I 8 weeks post total thyroidectomy and just looked at my thyroid levels it's gone over active tsh is 0.07 and t4 29.1. I've got a telephone appointment in 2 weeks I guess they  will lower dosesge.