RAI and isolation time

  • 18 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello all, 

I am going to have RAI treatment tomorrow. The 3.7 dose. The staff seemed very laid back and said I can see my 3 children again by Saturday/Sunday. 
I’ve read so many other hospitals/advice saying so much more, so I wanted to find out peoples personal experiences and what their yellow card said when they left hospital. I will be having a 2 night stay so out on Wednesday. 

  • It's says review by gp on discharge letter so I'll contact gp later this week as I've been given a 4 week course of calcium d3 supplements. Gp got the discharge letter  so you would of thought gp would contact. How are you doing.

  • I’m doing ok thankyou. 
    the day is going quite quick I’m doing lots of reading and watching tv! lots of drinking and lots of snacks. No side effects yet, a little bit of an ache in my neck but that’s only a little not enough to need paracetamol or anything! 

  • Hi got my check up appointment  but not until 22nd August. At the check up appointment  is it just blood tests and a consultation what they will do next. Just that I have  wedding to go to the next day. I don't want to change appoinment as it might delay things. Like you I've been sent  to a different hospital.

  • Yeah don’t delay. Enjoy your wedding whatever the outcome. If you need Radioiodine you will find it ok. Honestly it’s not as bad as it seems. I’ve been enjoying guilt free chill time.

  • I wrote that a bit wrong it's not my wedding I'm going to a relatives wedding.  I know I just worry to much. I've been going to hospitals for a year now but I still worry about some appointments. I don't mind the rest from work though.

  • It’s hard not to worry. It’s such a worrying time. I’ve never been so worried before in my life. There are constant reminders everywhere too… tv programmes which mention cancer / adverts/ books. It’s everywhere constant reminder. 

  • Hi hope your doing OK. I had good news at my check up. I don't need any treatment. Just waiting on parathyroid and thyroid function blood results. Calcium levels were normal. I get a bit ache sometimes. I guess it takes time for body to adjust.

  • I’m glad you had good news.