Advice, Experience and Recommendations required - Papillary Thyroid Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi all,

New to the group so hope this post is ok to submit.

March 2023 an MRI scan picked up inflammation around my thyroid, went for an ultrasound and showed a cyst which looked to be benign and so no biopsy was taken. I was 14 months post partum with my first child at the time. Fast forward to March 2024, 3 weeks post partum with my 2nd child, a swelling developed in my neck accompanied by a cough, sort throat and ear pain. I reconnected with an ENT specialist who sent me for another ultrasound where I had 4 slides taken from FNA. Results came back a week later (all of the above has been done privately) showing that the cyst had an additional nodule with an overall size of 24mm - part was graded as U3 (undermined) and part U4 (suspicious). I was advised that I should undergo a left hemi thyroidectemy to perform a histology for diagnosis. I had my surgery on 17th May this year and was in and out the next day. Fast forward a week and my wound was infected - I went to A and E where they admitted me that night and sent me down for emergency surgery the next morning. In that surgery they discovered not only did I have an abscess, a hole had been discovered in my windpipe which was likely caused from the original surgery (consultant held hands up and admitted to this). I had to have a drain in my neck for a few days and fed by nasogastric tube to save me from using my throat and potentially any food or liquids getting into my windpipe. I had to stay in hospital for a week and it was whilst I was there that I got the phone call confirming my histology results show I have T2 Papillary Thyroid Cancer. 

Yesterday (21st June) I had a follow up with my consultant where he has advised that I was discussed at the MDT and they are ‘confident’ that all the cancer has been removed and there is nothing to show any suspicion of cancer in the right remaining side of my thyroid. He also said that it has not spread to anywhere else in my body however I’ve not been offered a CT scan, they are purely going by the ultrasound that was perform on my neck back in March. The NHS consultant I had seen whilst I was in hospital advised that I should make sure my private consultant sends me for a CT scan however this has not been offered as he said that an ultrasound is more reliable. 

I have been left with the decision of more surgery to remove the rest of my Thyroid as more or a ‘preventative’ measure, or to monitor instead with ultrasound scans at 3 months, then 6 months then annually. Even if I choose to have the rest of my Thyroid removed I will still have to have scans for the next 5 years to ensure it hasn’t returned. I’m really in a predicament as to what I should do, as I’m petrified of having more surgery and it potentially getting infected again or worse - another hole in my trachea. Then again I’m also petrified at the thought of it coming back! I’ve already had 3 surgeries now this year, 1 c section and 2 on my neck, can my body take a 4th? 

Has anybody else been in the same position? What did you decide? Has anyone gone down the route of monitoring it and if so has it returned? I’m also a recovered anorexic so the thought of gaining weight also petrifies me. Feeling extremely conflicted right now as to what I should do for the best. My babies need their mum at her strongest. All this has happened whilst I’m supposed to be enjoying my last ever maternity leave with my 4 month old baby boy so it’s getting me down as I’m sure anyone can imagine. 

Kind Regards,

CT x

  • Hi ChannyT,

    Welcome to the group, I was sorry to read your post. You really have been through it. And all when you have a baby to care for! Not surprised you're scared of more surgeries!

    Not sure how useful I can be as I've only experienced the one surgery and have the Medullary variant which can behave differently and isn't tackled quite the same but hopefully someone with more relevant experience will reply soon.

    I'm surprised you haven't been offered a full CT at least once though. Is it something you can push for privately too? My consultant/surgeon said he wanted to gather all the info before he operated, so they knew what they were tackling and I had a full CT and MRI before surgery. All I can say is it did give me a certain peace of mind. I had another CT at 6 months, then next one is going to be an Ultrasound at a year on from that. I've had some quite serious after effects from surgery, so am very scared aswell of any more surgeries that might be ahead.

    Are you able to contact your CNS with your concerns? I have found mine to be very knowledgeable and an absolute Godsend. Sometimes just to get some professional answers to the questions racing around our heads can reduce anxiety slightly.

    The affect the diagnosis has on our mental health mustn't be underestimated. I was quite shocked about the extent it affected me. Macmillan do offer 6 free counselling sessions if you feel that may help you? Or if you have Maggie's centre near you, I found it helpful just to talk to an experienced, unrelated person, when I could see it was just too upsetting for my family.

    I hope you get some useful replies/answers soon. Take care and let us know how you are doing x

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hi ChannyT

    So sorry to read your experiences and I can relate to some of your current feelings, having been diagnosed with follicular thyroid cancer last Monday. 

    My experience has some similarities, but I’ve been offered a different course of treatment. I went to my GP in February with a chest infection and during the examination for that he found a lump in my thyroid. I had an Ultrasound Scan and the result was U3 (indeterminate). I had an FNA and the result was Thy3F (indeterminate). The decision was made for a diagnostic hemi-thyroidrectomy which I had a day before yours on the 16th May. My surgery went well and initially I felt ok after the operation, it’s only now I think I’m beginning to feel some effects of only having half my thyroid. 

    To manage my case I am going back into hospital on the 11th July to have the right side of my thyroid removed. There is also a 2cm nodule in that side, which I’ve had biopsied and the result was benign. I will then have RAI treatment. At my appointment with my consultant I asked for a CT scan and I was informed they aren’t routinely  offered, but when I explained how worried I was that the cancer may have spread, the consultant agreed to me having one, which was done last Thursday. I now have a two week wait for those results. 

    I wish I could offer you some advice, but I’m struggling to make sense of everything, but what I can offer is my support and to let you know you aren’t alone with all the questions and uncertainty

    I hope you get some answers and take care x

  • Thank you both for your kind replies. I’ve decided to go ahead with surgery to have the rest of my thyroid removed, my op is on Monday 14th October and I’m quite frankly terrified. <3

  • Hi Channy

    im so sorry to hear about your health issues and I really understand and identify with everything you have said.  I had to have a second thyroid surgery and was petrified too. I wanted it all to go away but I kept thinking that it was better for me in the long run to just get it done.  I have this very odd feeling about losing such an important part of my body BUT it’s meant that I’m in a far better place than before so despite everything, it was a good decision. 
    I understand too about the weight issues totally as I’m suffering with that too.  But I just have to keep saying to myself that despite a little more weight, I’m still here and the alternative is far worse.  

    its a serious thing to go through but the alternative is worse so try and just keep thinking it will be better in the long run and you can recover and move forward.  It’s a constant mental battle but you can do it I’m sure.  Keep going one day at a time and there will be sunnier days ahead for   you and your family. Xx