Thymoma surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi there,

I'm new to this group, so here goes. In a nutshell, I've had 2 years worth of hell, sickness which left me to the point of skeletal bones and unable to walk, to now being overweight, walking etc and looking like nothing is wrong with me! How I wish that were true! It was discovered quite by accident in Mar 21, that I had thymoma. Out of the blue, appeared on a scan for something else. Most likely the cause of all my sickness and underlying problems! 6 rounds of chemo have been duly completed by mid October. All the works, to no avail! Oncologist writing me off to palliative care.( I'm only 51 BTW, 3 early adult children and a supportive husband.) However, not giving up I duly found and got referred to consultant at Guys, who offered possible surgery last Xmas. Yay! NOPE! Not to be, gravely I'll in hospital in January with a lung lining full of fluid and barely any blood or platelets levels! Thymoma struck again!! Knocking up my bone marrow and blood levels! So, surgery off the cards as not viable. Kick in the teeth or what!! Hence, thereafter on a weekly basis I have been receiving blood transfusions to keep me going! NOTHING Cancer treatment wise has happened in this time so 'Mary' as I call her has been doing her own thing and spreading a little (now to my left lung pleura)! Feel like Oncologist has just given up, but against his advice I have fought to get to where we are now. I saw the Guys consultant face to face and he is willing to operate but it isn't easy and I will lose my right lung in the process. So here we are, I'm facing surgery and I'm feeling so alone and as scared as hell that I'm not going to make it. I don't want surgery,BUT I don't feel I have a choice! I'm fighting for my life and not ready to die yet!  I can't contemplate the alternative.

Sorry for the long spiel, tried to condense it as much as! I just want my life (and looks!) back!