Masturbation After I/O - How Long?

  • 14 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Please accept my appologies if this is a somewhat vulgar question. I feel I need to ask it.

I had my I/O 1 week and 2 days ago. My wound is still sore and walking is still a pain, but possible. As noted I'm dealing with an infection and on antibiotics. Due to the pain sex is not possible because maintaining a position would hurt.

But, marsturbation is ok physically. What I want to ask is how long should I leave it after the I/O before I attempt it? I'm not clear on what they done during the I/O so I'm not sure if there's any pain I can expect if I ejaculate.

Guys, offer your advice please?

  • FormerMember

    It's a legitimate and important question :) If it's ok physically for you, it's ok to do it. You be the judge of that and if it's uncomfortable stop.  Be warned, some guys get small amounts of blood in their semen first time after I/O but this is completely normal. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    What about experiencing internal pain when i ejaculate that's unrelated to my wound? Or is that not going to happen? I guess I fear that when I ejaculate I will experience some awful pain. It's probably anxiety causing this lol.

  • FormerMember

    If I am honest I actually had sex 24 hours after the op, it wasn't exactly vigorous, but I think it was what I needed to still prove to myself that I am still 100% man!!

    I then didn't have sex until about a week after my op (but that that was because my girlfriend and I live in different parts of the country), that said i certainly did masturbate a couple of times through the week, albeit probably not too agressively :-)

    It will be two weeks tomrorrow since my op and I would say I am probably back to about 90%, getting the train down to see the missus this afternoon! Fingers crossed it should be a good bank holiday weekend!

    Masturbation / Sex is deffinetly a bit of a taboo subject, but i too would have loved to come accross this thread before i had my I/O.

    Lots of people mention that their libedo takes a hit after the I/O, I can honestly say I am exactly the same, if not maybe an even better sex drive... Part of me wonders whether the testicle they removed was producing ineffective testosterone...

    I am going ask about geting a testosterone and seaman anaylsis done when I visit the hospital next week. Unfortunatly I didn't have one done before my I/O which in hindsight I wish I had, I would then have some baselines...

    I think if you feel upto it then go for it, men are built to offload their seamen on a regular basis.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks to you both for posting. Appreciate it a lot.

    I need not report the details. All is well. The plumbing is fine.

    Slight question. Much of the semen was clear. Is this a result of only having 1 testicle? I am infirtile anyway btw. But it seems different from before.

    It feels so strange, and slightly embarrasing discussing this here.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    If you can't discuss it here where can you? Let's not do embarrassment here...!

    In theory, one testicle can do the work of two and this is the case for most of us. The consistency of the semen can vary but let's be honest, most of us didn't take much notice of it before cancer, did we? Maybe you could watch it over of the weeks progress and if it's consistently different, mention it to your doctor anyway. If you are already infertile, the main thing your testes do is produce testosterone and it's probably best that we all get the testosterone levels checked after I/O - although this isn't done consistently. I had mine done with my first post-op bloods and they were low normal. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Imageek,

    From my own experience (with my girlfriend at the time!) everything was working fine a couple of days after the operation. You shouldn't feel any pain when you ejaculate, however the nerves and muscle around where they made the incision will obviously still be very tender, so don't do anything to strenuous! 

    One thing to note: my surviving testicle was evidently not used to the workload (apparently it was my other chap who did most of the hardwork! According to the doctor, usually one of your testicles lies dormant while the other does everything) so I got the odd ache after sex or masturbation for at least a good month after the op. The ache was like a pulsing sensation..apparently it is a normal occurrence after the operation however if you do have any complications, make sure you check with someone. My MacMillan nurse helped with most of my concerns after the op.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Please don't be embarrased, think of it this way; someone else could have been reading your post who had been wanting to ask that question but had felt unable to - you've done it for them. Asking questions like that is necessary!

    We have no shame here imageek!

  • FormerMember

    Hi imageek, 

    nothing embarrassing about the question, am surprised it has not been asked before,   unless I had missed it, lol, I started about a week after the op, a little liquidy  first but then full sex about a fortnight after and heaven was back, I was relieved  ( no pun intended) that I had not lost the feelings and all that go with it, that was my main concern and now thankfully back to normal again, am worse than a rabbit same as before thank goodness. 

    hope this helps

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have to love the humor and openness around here.

    When I am over this, I am going to do something for Macmillian. This place is amazing and a great pick me up!

    Hopefully tonight is my night *wink wink*

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm still shocked...

    This kinda of site and even thread really helps 

    Questions before I even thought to ask them and amazing attitudes

    Thank you