Chemo over

  • 7 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone

Not been on here for a while mainly due to the chemo hitting me for six. i went on a new trial they had going at my hospital BRI in Bristol.. It was 3 days in hospital and pumped full with 95% of the drugs then 2 hour long top ups two weeks apart after. Managed to get thrush in my throat which was most unpleasent thing i've ever had and my tinnitus levels rose to the point where i couldn't sleep for a few days but that has settled down now. just got all the travelling back and forth for monitoring now.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andy

    Keep the faith, chemo isn't comfortable and the side affects from lowered immune system aren't pleasant either, I had pneumonia. It sounds like treatment is all over though so at least its out of the way. Tell us how you get on as if its part of a trial your experience can help others. Don't try and do too much too soon though as your mind and body take a bit of a whack so you have the perfect excuse to treat yourself. Good luck, Andy and all the best.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rich

    How are you doing? Thanks for the words of encouragment.. Had bloods and xray on Friday and chatted to doctor.. Liver has returned to normal but they were worried as my tumour markers had been up, dropped and then back up again.. They said if they are still up after blood test i had friday they would call me back in this week so am dreading a phone call.

    As for the trial it was 3 days intense bep with 95% of the drugs followed by half hour top up following week and same the week after. Side effects were the usual but worse was thrush in my throat and my tinnitus was louder for a few days after the first course but settled down.

    At the moment main problem is my weight.. have put on nearly a stone. want to start exercising but lack of energy and scar twinges if i try too much.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Hi Andy, I'm on the same trial, and just got out of hospital a couple of days ago after the three-day, high-dose part of the treatment - still have the two top-up sessions to come (one tomorrow, one next Tuesday). Can I ask when your 'lowest' point was? And did either of the top-up doses affect your recovery rate? And... Did you lose any hair yet? I'm told it's 100% certain on this trial, and was told to expect it to start any day now, but so far so good...
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Al

    Which hospital are you in?.. I was really tired a day after the three day treatment.. Was like that for couple of days but then felt great.. It wasn't until about two days before my first top up that i got thrush in my throat. Hair started to fall out just before my last top up so shaved it all off and actually doesn't look too bad. Also lost it down below but everywhere else has stayed ie legs arms eyebrows etc. Go very careful out in the sun. I got burnt on my leg round a friends two weeks ago and it's still red and sore so make sure you have plenty of good suncream if the sun ever comes back out lol. My energy levels are still quite low but have slowly started exercising.. Small steps is the way i think but then everyone is different. As for side effects my tinnitus got worse but has gone back to normal, had very dry eyes so used eye drops, had couple of nose bleeds but nothing bad. All i can say really is just take what comes, laugh it off and take your time getting back on your feet


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Andy,

    I'm at Addenbrooke's in Cambridge - in good hands I'm sure, and fortunately for me I live within 20mins walk of the hospital so post-treatment monitoring visits are easy.

    Regarding hair loss - my friends have already cracked the jokes about how little I have to lose! In fact I nipped into the barber's before going into hospital and got myself a no.1 on top, and it doesn't bother me at all. To be honest I'm not in the least bothered about the cosmetic effect; I'm just steeling myself for the inevitable impact that there will be on my relationships (professional and social) once I start to look like a cancer patient.  Nothing to do about it though, and it's trivial in the big scheme.

    I'm now on Day 7 of the single cycle, so my first top-up is tomorrow, and I also have to start the prophylactic course of heavy-duty antibiotics tomorrow - I'm hoping that if I've managed to avoid infection thus far, the anti-biotics will see me through the next week when my white count has bottomed out. But we have a toddler and a dog at home - avoiding all exposure to infections is tricky!

    On the whole I think I've been really lucky. I had gastric reflux and hiccups for a few days but that's under control now (since I stopped dairy products); tinnitus comes in waves; fatigue and dizziness, a bit of numbness in my hands and feet, and loss of taste in my mouth (the only thing I can taste at the moment is strong smoked fish!). I'd kill for a good curry, but I'm not sure my constitution's up to it yet... Oh yes - that reminds me - constipation too. Maybe the curry wouldn't be such a bad thing.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Al

    Don't worry about looking like a cancer patient as that won't be the case i'm sure. Everyone have said how well i look and to be honest i had this worry about looking gaunt and pale but it hasn't happened, i've actually put on weight which i'm trying to lose now.

    Don't do the curry lol.. not cos of the taste and heat but the hygiene side of things. i went without for all the time i was having chemo as i'm sure you've been told, try and stay away from germs.

    My taste buds came back about 5 days after last dose of chemo which was a welcome return as like yourself i couldn't tell the difference between foods but i did have a craving for tinned ravioli on toast lol.. cupboard is still full of it. Try to avoid anything that may damage your throat ie crisps as you won't feel the damage until everything comes back to life and then its an ouch lol

    I never had the numbness in fingers or the constipation but they did give me tablets for that and if it went the other way lol... if they didn't give you any, ask for some tomorrow and also ask if you haven't already got some for Chlorhexidene Gluconate antiseptic mouthwash.. It's great stuff and they should have some.

    Don't worry about tomorrow Al, the top ups are a walk in the park compared to the first three day's and ask when they take the blood tomorrow about your white blood cells as my immune system had already started to get back to normal when i had the first top up and was like being let out of prison and being able to mix again but i still stayed clear of really crowded places and always made sure i had some hand spray in my pocket

    good luck mate... let me know how you get on


  • Hi Gents, How are things now after your BEP? I am mid cycle and have the last two day cases of Bleo to go and I am apprehensive. How are things further down the line?