Found tiny lump on right testicle

  • 5 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Well I've had a very tiny lump on my right testical for a few months now as far as I'm aware. It's about 2mm in diameter and only about a half of a millimeter in depth coming of the testical. It's not located on the sides but more of like in the middle top area about 1cm away from the epididymis. Has not changed in size within the 3 months I've noticed it. My testicles are soft and feel normal, I have no pain. 

I'm going to go get it checked out this week and fingers crossed it ain't TC.

I'm not to stressed about it I'm just more nervous about the embarrassment about getting it checked out and ultrasound etc. Weird that haha

Anyway just thought I would share with the community because I have nobody else to talk to about it. 

  • Hello

    Sorry will try again. Sounds like a very common cyst type lump which is normally harmless. The ultrasound is a piece of cake takes around 5 mins and no drama. They do it day in and day out so nothing new to them. 

    All the best. 

  • i got checked two days ago first time ever. honestly it was fine, and my nerves were put at ease. the doctors see a lot everyday and in their career i guess.

  • Yea im booked in for next week so ill just have to get it over with. Just curious, did you also find a lump that needed looked at? and if so how did you get on?

  • Yea fingers crossed thats what it is but you never know. Thanks for encouraging words.

  • I noticed swelling like I have never had before ever so booked to get checked. But it was so cold that morning lol I don't think the doc got a proper feel haha 

    but he said "look even if I felt anything or didn't the only way to be certain is with a scan" so I said to get the scan if possible.

    He did say it can swell with fluid, or swollen in general with the epidermis. 

    He also asked about sexual activity to which I also need a STI check done to rule that out also. Which is also another concern of mine as I did have some symptoms couple weeks ago but didn't even get that checked until the doc said to probably do that test as well.

    I'll have to await the scan to know for sure and the STI check.

    I'll let you know the outcome of the scan which is this week.