My positive experience of Treatment for Stage 2 Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor

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  • 12 subscribers

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share my own story in the hope it may help others with questions. I've also shared my story on Macmillan which can be accessed here,the%20information%20and%20support%20available.

In November 2023 I had an ultrasound which confirmed a testicular tumour. Within a month, I had this removed (Right Radical Inguinal Orchidectomy). A second CT Scan and rising post-op bHCG blood levels indicated I had lymph node metastases in my retroperitoneum, despite a small primary tumor and no sign of lymphovascular invasion on the pathology. 

I started 3 cycles of 5-day BEP in February 2024, which ended in April. I tolerated this reasonably well (no sickness, no infection, no thrombosis or anaemia etc). My bHCG level normalised. My post-chemo' CT showed these retroperitoneal lymph nodes to be cystic so I was referred to The Royal Marsden in London for Open Nerve Sparing RPLND. This was scary to think I had to have it, but I'm now 7 weeks post surgery and feeling really good. The removed lymph nodes had essentially become pre-cancerous rather than active cancer (this is called mature teratoma). 

From the moment my treatment started to the moment it ended, this all took 5 months. 

I'm sharing this in case it helps anybody else in our community. Happy to answer any Qs

  • Hi  

    Thank you very much for taking the time to share your story. I'm sure it will be a great help for others following the same path as you.

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