Fertility after TC/ 4 rounds BEP

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers


new here! My fiance and me are just looking for some other hope and stories. We are really hoping to have kids one day. He has 2 from before he was sick. He had one testicle removed in like october 2019. He had some radiation done shortly after. He had done a reverse vasectomy and we were hoping to start trying to have kids, then we found out he was sick again /:

He had 4 rounds of chemo (BEP) september 2022- november2022 then RPLND in february of 2023. We did a sperm test last month which was zero. Just wondering other peoples stories and how long until they were able to get sperm back after chemo, He is 34, I am 28. So hoping I have time but we just haven’t found anyone with similar stories.. Thanks guys.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to hear about your fiance's testicular cancer. I have had a different type of cancer but by responding to your post it will place it back at the top so that other members will see it and hopefully respond with their experiences.

    Has this question been put to your fiance's oncologist or GP? Does he have a CNS/specialist nurse that you can ring to ask? It may be an idea to ring the Macmillan helpline to speak to a nurse or just to get some advice. This is the link to contact https://www.macmillan.org.uk/about-us/contact-us

    From personal experience my own brother in law had testicular cancer and has had 2 children after cancer and treatment but I don't know the specifics. I wish you well for your fertility journey, hope you have success. Best regards

    A x

  • awwwwh well thank you for your response!! That is helpful! Yes he has an oncologist that says wait a year and check sperm count. His fertility doctor says we will check in a few months again but that his hormone levels were great so that’s promising. We just have talked so much to doctors and just were wondering real people’s experiences. That makes me happy to know your brother in law was able to father kids!! Thats wonderful!, thank you for sharing. 

    -Best Wishes!