Newly diagnosed, waiting for surgery (husband)

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  • 17 subscribers

Hi there!

My husband had his ultrasound last week, we spoke to our urologist yesterday and now we're waiting for a surgery date and more info from the fertility clinic. I'm all over the place with worry and wondering whether this is all happening quickly enough (I'm terrified of spread) and wanted to just find some reassurance/advice on this group. Currently, my husband has some bother with uncomfortable swelling around the scrotum, but no other symptoms/is energetic and otherwise healthy.

It would also be really great to know from anyone here - how would you have liked your partner to carry on with things? Is there anything you really appreciated someone doing for you that you didn't know at the time?

Edit February 2023: 

Just wanted to update this post, just in case anyone ever comes across it in the future looking for some reassurance/personal experiences. This week, my husband finally got the all clear—he's officially cancer free :) After 3 rounds of BEP chemo, a couple of infections, and plenty of heartache, we're very, very glad to be on the other side, and his hair has started growing back already! He went into this whole thing as a renal transplant patient, so didn't have a clean bill of health to start with, but the chemo did exactly what it was supposed to. The kidney function is sitting a little lower than it used to, but it managed all the way through chemo and is still working away. Onto surveillance now and happier days!

  • Thank you so much for the reassurance - I so appreciate the community here. This surgery cannot come quick enough!

    I think it's been quite hard to receive results, but not quite know what they mean or whether they are worrying. AFP is the highest, so from my research, I'm getting the impression this is likely to be non seminoma.

  • My AFP was raised above normal but the CT scan showed that there was no spread. It went to 22 post surgery came down to 1. I know people can get markers in the hundreds. The waiting is horrible but once they have all the information they will be able to make the best decision on what comes next. 

  • Thank you, Only One. Yes, I’m quite anxious about CT scan to see what we’re dealing with really. The markers are just quite high so I was worried it was a bad sign. Glad to hear that wasn’t the case for you. Did yours drop a large amount post surgery - like half? 

  • Came down from 22 to 1. I had a blood test ten days after surgery. Not sure what the normal range is. On my checkups I just ask are they normal I never want the numbers. A single tumour could account for a raised number. Hopefully when you speak to the oncology team Monday the number will be above normal not sky high. The oncologist won't commit to anything until they have all the facts. From what you have said you acted quickly when the lump was found that can only be a good thing. Waiting is horrible but my suggestions would be watch some comedy together. Go for a walk the night I got diagnosed I went for a run. Take confidence in how your husband is feeling in himself. Its tough emotionally. 

    Take care. Fingers crossed for Monday. My thoughts will be with you both 

  • Just a quick wee update - markers are normal for a tumour apparently (they expect them to fall after surgery) and more importantly, ct scan was all good!! Thanks so much for thinking of us and your good advice - a little TV and a walk is definitely good for keeping your sanity in the midst of all this. 

  • That's really good news. Means you can focus on the surgery now. From what I understand no spread means surveillance or one round of chemo depending on biopsy. The wait for the biopsy was hard for me especially as your activities are limited post surgery. Sport and the garden are my two main hobbies. I restorted to model making to occupy my brain. 

    You have both crossed one really big bridge this week. Hopefully you can both sleep a little easier now. I am really pleased for you. 

  • Just got the operation today - seems like everything went fine! Now just the long wait for the biopsy and next steps (plus recovery). We were told it would be 2 weeks til results. Did you have many other tests/appointments in between surgery and results? Thanks for all your well wishes and encouragement. 

  • Two weeks sounds like a good turn around time mine was just under a month. Just had to have a blood test to see if the markers went down which they did. Glad the op went well. Any questions about recovery please ask. I was told next to nothing from the surgical team it was thd medical oncology team and the macmillan nurses that gave me more info. For example it takes nearly a year for all the nerve endings to fully heal my nerves in my stomach were misfiring for months gave strange feelings nothing to worry about but only if you are told what they are!

  • Thank you, Only One! We haven’t had any word about blood tests or anything just yet, but I’m sure that’ll come. With the ct scan all clear I’m hoping the blood markers will start to fall to normal levels.

    And yes - the surgical team doesn’t say a whole lot! My husband was obviously a little sleepy post-surgery so he didn’t remember the aftercare very well either. As far as he recalls, it’s no showering for 48hrs, wear the strap for 2-3 days and take it easy to prevent infection/hernia. Are we missing anything?

    Thanks for the stomach nerves advice - I did NOT know that and would have DEFINITELY worried if you hadn’t said! 

  • Another wee update... Got our histology results and it's Stage 1 PT2 mixed germ cell. As much as you never want to have a run in with cancer, we're feeling pretty positive that it's been caught early and surgery has done most of the work. Now just waiting to hear from the oncology team to find out what chemo options are—our cancer nurse said it they'd likely want to do some chemo to prevent recurrence.