How’s Everyone?

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Hope everyone is doing okay and recovering well! For a long story short I was diagnosed with testicular cancer a year ago now. Had chemo ended 6 months ago and surgery done almost 4 months ago. But my right leg is still a bit swollen as my right inguinal and femoral lymph node was removed together with my right affected testicle. But I think I’m slowly getting there. 2 weeks back is my face to face consult with my Oncologist and said it will take a bit of time to heal properly.

I’ve been away from work for almost 9 months and came back 2 weeks ago on a phased return. So I’m doing short hours like 4 hours a day for 3 days a week and the company agreed that they will pay my full basic salary. Which is really good.

Then an incident happened yesterday. One of the agency staff we have called me and told me I am a liar, I replied to him don’t call me a liar. We are working as a professional staff on a busy MRI scanning center. I am not sure where did he came from saying a foul language to me as I asked them to help us with one of our patient as we are running behind of the schedule. 

This is a very upsetting experienced. This is not the work environment I wanted to return after my battle with cancer.

I have sent an email to our manager, supervisor, HR, and regional director complaining and explaining what happened. And my supervisor called me that I shouldn’t have included the HR and higher Boss to that email. But I did. I’m standing up what is right. 

I know I didn’t do anything wrong and did the correct thing. Now I’m just trying to relax and back to work tomorrow and will speak to my manager about the incident.