Looking beyond

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I was diagnosed around 3 months ago with testicular cancer and received an orchidectomy and am now undergoing 3 cycles of BEP which I am half way through. My question to the group is how to go forward. I was someone who had long term plans and would set up a nest and future for retirement. And when I look at certain side affects and secondary problems caused by treatment that can catch up with you in 10 years I ask myself do I just live for the moment? I'm torn between the sensible longterm approach (my default) and a new wrecklessness to want to just make the most of every minute. Im 28 years old and would love to hear from any long term survivors on the subject.


  • Hi Clarkey

    I'm 49 and had orchidectomy 2 years ago and a single cycle of chemo, so not long term really.

    Are there any specific side effects or secondary problems that you're concerned about?  I don't find myself worrying about much, although I'm expecting to one day to have to deal with the inconvenience of TRT.

    Best wishes


  • Mainly the secondary cancers, heart problems etc. The sort of stuff that finishes you off. I don't know what an average amount of time to live past triple cycle BEP is for someone my age. And with a more informed decision I feel like I'm at a junction where I can choose in what direction to take my life. 

  • So it's concerns specific to your chemo regime.  I had a different treatment, so I can't really comment. There are lots of people on here that have gone through 3 BEP so I'm sure someone will get back to you.

    I see you're only 28. I would expect that you'll get through this in pretty good shape.  Have your doctors talked about any risks with you?

    Best wishes
