Seeking Advice

  • 7 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Good day all,

New to the forum. Seeking some advice to help me rationalise my current situation. For context I was one of the few to catch TC very early. Small tumour (stage 1 seminoma) on left testicle, swiftly removed. Roughly two years on, CT scans clear, bloods clear. I have been wrong on multiple occasions assuming there was spread or new tumour in right testicle. 

Recently however, I have been experiencing shortness of breath. As I’m sure we have all done, I immediately jumped to lung spread. There is a logic battle currently ongoing in my head in which there is a lot of evidence to refute this. For example, I believe TC has a predictable path therefore it should spread to abdomen long before lungs/chest. In my case it hasn’t. Additionally, I do not experience shortness of breath when sleeping, I do not wake up at night struggling to breath nor do I struggle when physically active. I train on average 5 times a week vigorously and at no point have I felt out of breath beyond my usual physical fatigue. I do not have chest or back pain when breathing deeply nor do I have a cough. A further example is if working and therefore mentally engaged, I do not recognise it.

Google has been unreliable in trying to understand symptoms for lung TC spread. It’s largely generalised and fear inducing.

May I humbly ask two things;

- Has anyone hear experienced TC spread to lungs? If so, what were your symptoms if any?

- Are my thoughts on this being largely improbable or am I missing something?

Many Thanks

  • I will try again, hello and welcome. 

    You seem to be suffering health anxiety as did I. I was the same as you and constantly thought bad things. You had stage 1 and you will be monitored regularly. Your chest x rays and CT scans will pick anything up on your path to recovery. Its very normal to worry about any little niggle or pain as the saying goes the biggest battle is not the cancer but the mental side of things. 

    You will have been assigned a cancer nurse so if you have any concerns ask for a chest x Ray or bloodsnto be done and put your mind at rest but one of the biggest side effects of anxiety is breathlessness. I'm not a doctor just a patient who has been almost 10 years clear so if in doubt ask for help. 

  • Thank you. I truly appreciate the response. Fortunately I have my routine CT Scan (every 6 months) next week Tuesday so if there is anything physiological, it will come up. 

    I do agree that it is more likely anxiety or potentially covid induced rather than spread. I guess my fear stems from (beside every wayward pain being cancer) never having experienced breathlessness. Again it’s more probable that I’ve developed anxiety than TC spreading to lungs, bypassing abdomen, going undiscovered within a 6 month period. 

    Thanks again and here’s to many more years all clear for you.

  • Just a follow up, bloods and CT scan was positive in that there was no observable spread. The oncologist did inform me that lung nodules were identified previously but considered small and post infection scar tissue related. Additionally, using my last scan as a base, they have not grown therefore my oncologist is comfortable that they are not cancerous. Out of curiosity, has anyone else experienced similar? Nodules on lungs that are not cancerous?

  • Hi mate.

    I too was told I had a 4mm lung nodule on my first ct scan (post nut job) in January this year. It was enough to scare the shit out of me as I’d never even heard of them and was not expecting to hear this.

    I had my 3 month check up and ct scan last week where like you it was observed the nodule had not grown and the oncologist was not concerned. He has told me that I will have another ct scan in 3 months (rather than an mri) I guess to check again. He did reassure me that if he randomly did ct scans against 100 people off the street probably 30% would have a lung nodule. I used to smoke as well and he mentions it’s likely that this caused it…..He also observed a cyst in my liver, but again most people have one apparently…..

  • Hey thank you man for replying. Out of curiosity, did you experience any respiratory issues that your doc did or could attribute to the lung nodule? Shortness of breath, consistent cough etc?

  • I did have a bit of a morning cough but I only gave up smoking at Christmas so put it down to that. Come to think of it I was also a little breathless at times. Looking back I’m sure it was anxiety / stress. I also had some bad headaches which the oncologist assured me was stress. FYI, I have neither a cough nor breathlessness now. I’m sure you’re fine, you’ve had the tests and the doctors would’ve been all over it if they suspected something sinister.