Getting going again

  • 7 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi guys. I am feeling nervous and anxious about getting moving again. I've been off work for 2 months and i would say I've fully healed from my surgery now. I am however feeling apprehensive about doing things again. I know I need to start lifting and building muscle again but the fear of hurting myself or even causing a hernia is putting me off. Has anyone else experienced this uncertainty? Has anyone had a hernia later down the line due to weakened muscle around the incision? Just looking for a wee chat with some of you to put my mind at ease 

Thank Andrew 

  • Hi Andrew

    I had a very good recovery from the operation.  I went for a run after two weeks. I've never felt at risk of hernia.

    After chemo I started getting into shape using some light dumbbells and not pushing too hard. If my heart rate increased too high I got blinding headaches.  But after a few weeks I could start building up the weights.  It was about 6 months before I did any proper cardio though.

    Just start with easy strength training, take it slow and steady, and if you start feeling rough cut your session short. I was 47 when this was happening and I'm 49 now.

    Best wishes


  • I had an orchidectomy at the end of December followed by a chemo at the end of January. I’m still off work (due to start something soon) due to headaches and fatigue (naps in the afternoon can last 3 hours). Physically I feel fine since the head aches are easing. I’ve done a few 5k runs but no lifting. I feel my op wound is pretty much fully healed now so am not worried about a hernia. I’m just gently easing myself back into things……

  • Thanks for the reply guys. I would say my scar is fully healed but I did have an incidence a week or so after my surgery where the scar had bulged out a bit. The nurse said that this was normal and can happen but I haven't found anyone else saying the same thing. Either of you experience this? 

    Thanks andrew

  • No I didn't. My scar felt like an AAA battery under my skin that slowly disappeared over a couple months. But it never bulged.

  • Yeah I have a similar feeling now but as I said was sitting on the loo one day after my op and pushed a little (to much info) but when I stood up it had bulged out about an inch. Put a press on it and it went down and hasn't happened again but it is really playing on my mind when I'm about to go back to building strength. Have a looking feeling of I'm going to hurt something and set myself back in healing. Go back to work soon so can't afford to be off again

  • My scar had a bit of a bulge at one end. It didn’t hurt but I mentioned it to my GP who said it was not nothing to worry about. To be honest I’d forgot about it till I read your post. Just checked and it’s gone (so probably 6 weeks later). 

  • Ok that's good to know. Just to find out that someone else experienced it and has managed to get back moving fully without any issues. Obviously I'm going to take things slow and steady tho.