A few questions

  • 11 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi again guys. I have a few quick questions. Number one is, did anyone get a follow up appointment after their surgery to check over the wound and see how they were getting on? I had mine over 2 weeks ago now and haven't heard a word about anyone checking up on me. I phoned my gp a few times about some things I was experiencing but got told they were normal. So this leads me to ask you guys another question. I have the burning/pins and needles type feeling all down the inside of my groin. Starts under the scar and continues down the side of my shaft and along the side of my "ball" sack and also the inner leg. I hear this is normal from research. But last few days I have also been feeling that same dull ache, sometimes a bit more than dull that you get from being flicked in the ball. But that ball is not there. Has anyone else experienced this pain? Is it something to be concerned about. Feeling quite sensitive to touch down there and it was getting better a few days ago so it's a new thing. Cheers

  • Hi. I didn't have any follow up appointment, so that's normal. Sorry but I can't really help on the rest.

    Best wishes


  • Okay that's good to know. 

  • No follow ups were arranged for me either however I booked Myself into the gp twice as I was concerned with the swelling. 

  • They said everything was fine didn't they? I haven't been seen just over the phone consultation. 

  • Yeah gp said I was fine. I was concerned with infection as I knew I was probably having chemo shortly. I didn’t experience any shooting pains like you. Obviously the odd pain or ache which would be expected. 

  • It's not too intense. It's just the feeling reminds me of the same one I had before I got the surgery. As I said kinda like being flicked in the ball. That ache that resonates up the groin. Probably totally normal was just looking to see if other experienced this

  • Hi Andrew

    As others have said about the follow up - nope i didnt have anything - i had a few issues with mine like yours , and was very jealous of others who seemed to have no problems.

    I had an infection and swelling and never saw the surgeon again, the GP sorted it with antibiotics etc.

    as for pain , numbness and tingling, i also had this for a very long time, and mine was certainly unusual compared to others on the forum

    firstly there is a nerve that runs up to the stomach and down the leg, that has to be moved when they do the surgery and sometimes this gets irritated or even damaged, and this can cause the issue of pain higher or lower than the incision site.

    I also had phantom ball pain (as if it was still there) for a while, and then again for a few years after at certain points of sexual arousal, i was told it was never anything to worry about and have lived with it for 5 years now, although its few and far between now.

    hope all goes well from here on out, and the moto here is any concerns get on to your GP - tricky these days I know, but they can get things moving for you until you get onto a regular maintenance schedule with your oncologist.

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • Hi outoftheblue. Hopefully I will have a similar experience to you. I have had surgery. Left testical removed and have been given the all clear. Have a meeting this Friday to discuss surveillance. Glad to hear you have been clear since your surgery. I hope for the same outcome. I too have experienced the fantom ball. Trying to explain that to the Mrs is funny. She doesn't understand. I don't feel like I have an infection as there is no unusual swelling or heat from the area. Just that tingle and the odd shot of ache. I will raise my concerns when I see my oncologist on Friday and may phone my specialist nurse tomorrow when she is back to enquire. But no doubt I'll get the it's normal and it's fine answer I've been receiving. Just good to know that other have experienced the same sorts of feelings so I don't stress to much. I don't have major concerns it's anything to worry about but we all know when it comes to yer bits we all want the best. Thanks for your reply.

  • No problem,  i asked the same things 5 years ago and hearing from someone who had been through it is always good, as sometimes i felt left out in the cold by some medical professionals . They may see this every day but to everyone one of us is new territory. 

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • Yeah your right. By no means will I say the medical care we receive here is bad as it's far from it but I definitely have noticed some things I would call basic care that I haven't received. No doubt down to the understaffed overworked work force. I would say my complaints if any are aimed more at my gp tho. Wish we funded military less and NHS more