Low sex drive after testicle removed and 2 cycles of different chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed in Feb 2019, eventually started recovery in April 2020. All is well pretty much other than a few chemo side effects. 

We have 3 kids of different ages, a teen and littler ones so we were never very sexually active really anyway...now it's very rare. 

Just wondering if this low sex drive is the new norm? I'm not a nymph by any means, we're both so tired but I do find it tough at times...like it's something to do with me even though I know it's not.

Sorry I just needed to ofload somewhere. 

  • Hi NelloNoo

    I usually let others reply, but this one struck a chord with me - we dont have kids, but in terms of sex drive, yes I took a major dip post treatment.(i had a single testical removed)

    For me initially it was a bit of a mental issue, i felt drained as well as my relationship was too as we'd both taken stock of everything as you do post-cancer diagnosis - and for me, I felt like somethings that used to be important were less so given what we had gone through , i had a feeling of "i had cancer, i cannot be bothered to sort out this weeks shopping list" type of attitude, to most things....and I/ we hit a bit of a low....

    I had some counselling sessions ran by another charity, as well as joint ones too, and hearing that these types of reactions is normal was a relief to be honest - and it meant that we didnt panic too much over it. 

    Mentally things did get back to normal, but after a few years of my sex drive not coming back , despite my oncologist saying it would after 12 months as the remaining testical should produce more testosterone , i pushed my GPs to do some blood tests - after about 12 months of battling to get the correct diagnosis and test (a FREE TESTOSTERONE test), finally it was obvious that mine was very very low and was put on a gel replacement.

    this has worked wonders - and not only do I feel better, my partner also noticed the change.

    the 2 biggest things to take away, are talking, and cutting both you and your partner some slack for a while - give yourself some time and if things dont change, see a GP.

    best wishes.

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • Hi, thanks so much for your reply and for sharing your experiences. It's worth speaking with him about this as it's been over a year, 2 months or so off 2 years. 

    Thank you again for replying. 

    Best wishes Blush