Testicle calcification help

  • 5 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi all

I noticed small painless rice sized lump on my left testicle

I went to urologist and ultrasound show nothing,all clear.

Then i repeat few more ultrasound exams and on last exam they found calcification spot on my left testicle.

My main worry is

Can 5 ultrasound exams miss cancer or something serious?

All urologist said nothing to worry about and to forget about it.

On  last US report:

Hyperehoic spot on tunica albuginea.

Diagnosis: calcified spot on tunica albuginea size 3mm.

Doctor said this is not same like microlithiasis cobdition,my spot is extratesticular.

But as i can see  online tunica albuginea is inside testiclesPensive

Im really anxious about this,what can i do about this,is any new exams necessary?

They advised me just to do regulary exams like usually.

no one urologist not concerced at all.

Thanks for answer,

it would mean a lot to me.
  • Hi, Drake

    First of all, well done for getting everything checked out.

    Ultrasound is a very efficient way of taking a look at what 's going on inside our bodies - things like tumours, cycts, and other lumps and bumps will almost always show up with distinct characteristics.

    While it's entirely natural to worry, hopefully, this may help ease your anxiety:

    Before sending you for the scan, it's extremely likely that you GP has a confident diagnosis in mind - based on probability, symptoms, and a physical examination, for example. A urologist, with the added benefit of being able to 'see' what's going on will also be able to provide a diagnosis.

    To use an analogy, imagine you found a bulge in your coat pocket -- based on experience, it would be quite easy to tell if there was, lets say, a marble in your pocket or a piece of chewed gum just by feeling around (Is it hard or squidgy? Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical? Does it move around freely, or seem stuck to the spot? Is it translucent or opaque?) and past history (have you been playing marbles in the last few weeks? Have you been chewing gum in the last 24 hours?) However,  if we were able to somehow see inside the pocket, it would pretty much confirm or deny our conclusion beyond any reasonable doubt - of course, we could open the pocket, remove the marble or gum, and get it tested in a lab to be absolutely sure, but I think most people would agree that while a piece of chewed gum that looks and feels EXACTLY like a glass marble is possible, it's probability is almost zero.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    Yes this sound very logic,and all of 5 urologist said same,nothing to worry about.

    3 ultrasound all clear,2 showed calcification.

    They all said testicles are 100% visible on US.

    I dont have choice ,i must belive doctors and live with that lump.

    I hope they can Distinguish calcification from something serious.

    Thank you MervBoy

  • No problem at all. I completely understand your worry, though - I've had a similar experience, though my ultrasound showed a cyst.

    What helped me was to try to understand what would be considered as 'normal'. My doctor explained that things like cysts and calcification are very common - so common, in fact, that a urologist will often express such a diagnosis as 'all clear' or 'nothing to worry about' - so it's possible that nothing was missed on any of the scans; it was just that they showed nothing of concern.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thank you a lot,for reassurance.

    Yes my doctor sounds like that.

    My initial worry is my lump is attached to the testicle not epidydimis,but first 3 US exams shows nothing and  3 different docs said my testicles are healthy,it can be,that nothing was missed on US ....but showed nothing of concern..so i must go on.

    Does your lump feels attached to the testicles?

    I have small cyst in epydidims few years but docs said it is not palpalable..

    How you feel your cyst its growing or decreasing or same like when you found her?

    Thanks again you are realy help me to ease my worry.

  • Hi, ,

    The lump I have is about the size of a small pea, and it feels as though it's hugging my left testicle - in fact, even my GP couldn't tell if it was attached to the testicle or not just by feeling it. The ultrasound showed a simple cyst that was not attached - my GP confirmed at a later date that it's an epydidimal cyst.

    The cyst doesn't seem to be changing in size, though I have a follow-up scan arranged in three months - just as a check up.

    I was really worried in the beginning, though, just like you - but it was just another harmless lump to add to the countless others I've found over the years. I'm just glad I got to the docs straight away and got it diagnosed as quickly as possible.