What the hell am I supposed to do?

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi guys,

Long story but I’ll try and be brief. In 2014 aged 28 I developed pain and swelling in my left testicle and went to my GP who referred me for an ultrasound. At the ultrasound they found nothing wrong with my painful testicle but spotted a mass in my non-painful right testicle. I was then referred to a urologist who told me it was likely cancer, I asked for a second opinion but was refused and told the radiologist has never made a mistake in 40 years and they are certain its cancer. Mcmillan nurse also very dismissive and rude to me saying any other opinions will only delay treatment, heres some leaflets.

Anyway two weeks later I have my orchidectomy, heal up really well and return another 2 weeks later to discuss histology which surprise surprise showed no signs of cancer at all. Turns out it was scar tissue all along which if they had bothered to check my medical records like I suggested they would’ve seen was caused by a mononucleosis infection I had 10 years earlier. I was basically told I should be grateful it wasn’t cancer and to go on and live my life….

Which of course I would’ve done!… but my original complaint of pain and inflammation was still there.. but now in my ONLY testicle thanks to their f*ck up and it was getting worse every day. Seven years later and I am still suffering and have spent £25k of my own money on trying to find a cure (I’ve had pretty much every possible procedure done apart from spermatic cord denervation) but unfortunately I have what seems to be an incurable case of chronic epididymitis. NHS urologists discharge me and the best they offer me is ibuprofen which does nothing, GP refers me back and the cycle continues. In the end I gave up on the NHS and paid private. I have been given no support and have been clinging on trying not to kill myself since this happened. My only options now seem to be surgical denervation (once I have children, too risky to do before and at a cost of around £5,000), orchidectomy (meaning I lose both testicles for pretty much nothing and unlikely to find a doctor willing to do it) or suicide. I would like to see if anyone could give me some advice, particularly those guys who have lost both testicles because I’m worried about loss of sensation during sex, don’t know whether to get 2 small prosthetics or even have the second orchidectomy at all. I have unfortunately succumbed to the fact that I will either spend the rest of my life in chronic testicular pain or I will need to have a second orchidectomy so any help from 2x sufferers or anyone with any insight would be much appreciated. I’m also starting TRT (with HCG to preserve fertility) next week, thought I might as well since its been low for years now and I’ve finally found a decent endocrinologist who doesn’t just chuck you a box of testogel (thats another subject entirely though!)



  • Hi Paul

    It sounds like a truly awful experience you've been through and you've been badly let down along the way.  I'm sorry I don't have any direct experience that I can convey to you, but I'm wishing you well.  There are still pathways through this for you. 

    Best wishes


  • Wow! I have to go for a scan soon, and now that's making me think twice about it! Having to lose a testicle because of cancer, I can accept - but losing a healthy testicle because someone was over-cautious? I wouldn't be able to come to terms with that. I really feel for you. 

    Is this something that happens often?!