Anyone else knackered all the time?!

  • 4 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi all,

Hope you're all doing well :-) 

I had my leftie removed about 5 weeks ago, and haven't yet started any chemo/etc treatment (have a meeting in a couple of weeks' time to discuss those steps), but I'm finding that I'm just really tired all the time (not fatigue level, just a general feeling of knackeredness - if that's a word!). Anyone else found/finding this and have any clever solutions?

I'm feeling positive about my situation as a whole and trying to be upbeat, I'm just tired...yawn.



  • May be worthwhile asking your Dr to check testosterone levels

  • Hiya Jim, sorry to hear about your low energy levels. I suppose after my orchiectomy I was also a bit knackered but I suppose that was from the actual surgery, it took a week before I could move properly. I found that once I was able to move around a bit that light exercise daily, keeping hydrated and eating on time really helped with my energy levels. As suggested it could also be your testosterone levels so it might really be worth it to have that checked. If you do have chemo, it might hit you a bit hard and energy levels do plummet or not I suppose, we all react differently to chemo. I'm currently on 4x BEP and it hasn't been the best of times but hey small discomfort for a lifetime cancer free, I'll take it. Wishing you all the best and hope they start your treatment promptly.



  • Hey James (and Consett),

    Thanks very much for the messages and advice - I've spoken with my doctor and he's booked me in for a blood test to check (although he think's it unlikely that that is causing my low energy levels, but is happy to check).

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment James, and thank you again for the reply. 



  • You're welcome man, keep me updated. I know this isn't an easy ride but hoping your energy levels boost back up again. Thanks for the best wishes, I really appreciate it.