My Cancer Experience (Diagnosis and Treatment)

  • 13 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Diagnosed with stage 3 testicular cancer. Mixed germ cell tumors fairly unpleasant experience.

  • Thanks for sharing your story. My husband is in the early stages of diagnosis and it’s helpful to hear your  experience. Wishing you well and hope you find relief following the last chemo session.

  • Hi there field maple, I was glad I was able to share my story with you. In some way I just hope I could shed some light on the diagnostic experience, thank you so much for best wishes. Hoping for the best for your husband as well. I really hope things work out.

  • Hi James - this is all really useful and interesting (not sure that interesting is the right word, but hopefully you know what I mean!). All the best and wishing you a speedy recovery. Jim 

  • Hey there Jim, glad I was able to share my experience with you. Thanks for the well wishes on my 25th session at the moment and only 3 more to go. This last cycle has felt like the hardest so far mostly on my body. I just feel so depleted but I suppose its only temporary. I know I will make it through this.

  • Hope these last sessions beat it and you’re health can have a chance to improve. Thanks so much for sharing

  • Thank you field maple and sorry for taking so long to reply. This last cycle hit me like a tonne of bricks. All's well and don't mention it 

  • Hi James, 

    thank you for sharing your story. I’m glad you are in a lot better place now. I’ve had my diagnosis and at the moment concerned as I think it has been about 6 months that I had noticed the lump. I have had my bloods tested and they are reading normal, my consultant said he is confident it hasn’t spread but in all honesty I am not very hopeful. I have a CT scan Tuesday but very very scared due to the time it’s been that it has spread far! It’s 6 months a long time to wait? 


  •  I can't say whether 6 months is a long time or not but I do know seminomas take a long time to grow compared to non-seminomas, as for the timeline I can't say man. But you're doing the right thing, you're seeing medical professionals. And remember this thing is beatable, you're already on the right path man.

  • Hi James, 

    thanks for your reply mate. Yes they tested for BETA, HCG, LDH and AFP. I’m not really sure what they mean in alL honesty. I’m sorry to hear you are feeling too good, what type of things are a pick me up for you? Do you enjoy football? My surgery is the 9th of October, I’ve not ever had surgery before so I’m nervous but to be honest with you it’s the CT scan results that terrified about. Im scared that im going to be riddled with cancer and that’s the end of me. I suffer with anxiety anyway so my mind always thinks worse case scenario. 

  • Best of luck with the CT scans man. All will be well