Prosthetic replacement

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers


I’ve been diagnosed with testicular cancer in the last week, and am scheduled for removal surgery in the next few weeks; i’m well supported and trying to stay positive, however I shortly have to make the decision about whether I want a prosthetic fitted which is causing me some anxiety.

I am aware that prosthetics can come with some increased risks, and my instinct is to not take any additional risks and not to bother, but the more I think about about it the more unsure I become. 

Can anyone offer advice about this decision based on their own experience? If you’ve had a prosthetic fitted, how does it feel? How does it look? Would you recommend it or advice against it? And I guess the same if you didn’t have one fitted? 

I appreciate that everyone’s situation is different and what might be right for someone else may not be right for me, but any advice/opinions from people who have actually been through the experience would be really useful in informing my decision.

Thanks for your support

  • Hi Chris.

    I had my operation 14 months ago now. My consultant said he would talk to me on the day of the operation about the prosthetic option. I thought that was a bit weird. On the day he was really trying to convince me not to have one. He certainly wasn't neutral on the matter. I did go without and I'm happy with that choice. Everything feels completely natural. Unless you feel really strongly that it would impact you psychological it might not be worth the complications and risks. You can always have one at a later date if you change your mind.

    I don't know how old you are or your relationship status. I am 48 and married, but I don't think it would have changed much for me had I been younger and single.

    I hope everything goes well for you.

    Best wishes
