Fertility after BEP

  • 10 replies
  • 14 subscribers

My wonderful husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer last year and is coming to end of his 3 x rounds of BEP. Absolutely over the moon he will come out the other side as I know with other cancers he may not have been so lucky.  

We were already trying for a family and as perfect timing would have it, we went through a miscarriage just before diagnosis of TC. Having treatment which can cause semi permanent/ permanent infertility for a family we so desperately want just seems like an extra cruel blow.

We have been told to wait 3 months after the end of the third round before trying naturally but the outlook seems to be quite dim from reading previous message boards, for fertility to return. 

We have the banked sperm (yet another thing on the long list to thank for NHS for this year!) But in an ideal world, that would be a backup plan. 

I just wanted to put a message out for how long it took others to become pregnant after BEP - it would be great to hear some realistic takes on it as well as some positive stories to keep us going. 

Its taken me a while to put this post up, i feel like this is such a small worry in comparison to some but also, there are so few places to ask questions like this.

All fertility related stories natural or fertility clinic based will be really welcome. 

  • Hi there, my husband was diagnosed shortly after being married, right when we wanted to start trying to have children. 

  • Whoops, my last one posted without finishing. My husband completed 2 cycles of BEP two years ago and his sperm count is still zero. We are going the ivf route as there is not guarantee that his sperm will come back. As great as chemo is, it really is poison. 

  • Thank you for the response. Great that you have started things going! Did you have a couple of tries of sperm analysis before going down the IVF route? Trying for a family is stressful enough as it is, we want to take the guess work out of wether it will be possible naturally as quickly as possible. He has been offered an analysis 6 months from the last round. 

  • Hi, my husband had two surgeries. We were able to bank sperm before his first surgery. And his second surgery, the doctor actually extracted testicular tissue from one of his testicles (as we were told this could have better quality). He started chemo a month after his 2nd surgery. We ended up doing an IVF egg retrieval with the banked sperm and none of our eggs fertilized, so it's possible his sperm was already compromised from the TC. We did another egg retrieval last year with the testicular tissue that had sperm in it and we now have 7 frozen embryos. So now we are just waiting to have a successful transfer. I'm not sure if this answers you question, but your best bet will be to try to find a urologist that specializes in reproduction for your husband. 

    Has anyone told you how the analysis looks from the sperm you already banked? 

  • No they haven't told us, just that he has 15 straws and the mobility and count is good (nothing about the morphology) to be honest it all happened so fast we were abit blind to it..

    I am expecting we will be able to have an IVF referral for funding after the First sperm analysis as I'm sure it will be poor. 

    Did you try for long naturally? Did you try supplements, diet or anything else before going down the IVF route.

    Best of luck for your transfer! When is it? 

  • FormerMember

    Hey, my partner had TC 6 years ago and had one round of BEP. We conceived naturally a few months later and he was told his sperm count wasn’t great.

    4 years later (when our daughter was 3) however we started to try for another child and two years on still no joy (I also have PCOS which makes it more challenging as I don’t ovulate regularly). 

    My partner found a lump on his remaining testicle 4 weeks ago and had it removed last week. He now has some sperm banked so IVF will be our next journey if we are eligible.  

  • I just wanted to update this in case anyone stumbles upon it when they are searching in what is a dark time. 

    My partner treatment ended up as; 

    Orchimdectimary Jan 2021

    3 x BEP chemo ended March 2021

    RPLND which caused partial retrograde ejaculated July 2021

    We had our referral for IVF in July 2021 and were seen at the clinic December 2021. We started treatment in May 2022

    We had 15 straws collected prior to treatment commencing and were told sperm following it would be a 2 years to recover but to provide a sample and see where we got. 

    Sample Dec 2021 - 9 months post chemo was severely reduced but all other measures were actually perfectly normal / bordering on good. Advised ok to use for IVF but would probably be ICSI 

    Pumped partner with all the supplements, dietary changes, cut out the alcohol and the coffee... and in our first round (May 22) his sperm was such good quality we went straight to IVF. 

    As we didn't know when it got down to it what the actual sperm would be like we split our eggs retrieved (8 of them) between fresh and banked sperm. 

    We did a 5 day transfer with an embryo made from fresh sperm and frozen 2 embryos made from frozen sperm. 

    I am currently cuddling that first embryo at 6 days old now

    Keep the faith,  xxxxx

  • Congrats on the great news! That is definitly positive news! We have been doing IVF/transfers of embryos since 2019 and have not been able to get pregnant. Husband completed treatment in March/2019. We went through 7 FETs that were created with sperm prior to 2 rounds of BEP. We are deciding now that we want to do another egg retrival and use his current day sperm. My mind has always wondered if our previous embryos were compromised because of the cancer even though my RE doctor says that research has been done that shows cancer would not effect the embryos. Did you do any genetic testing by chance?

    Thank you for posting and giving more hope!

  • Ahh, this is the loveliest post to read. Thank you so much for the update!

  • I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are. This is such a lovely update to read i am over the moon for you xx