Testosterone boosters.....

  • 17 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi all

Hope everyone is staying strong and in high spirits.

I was just wondering if anybody has any tips or recommendations of how to increase testosterone, that actually work?

Mine has been low ever since I finished my chemo. And although I've taken up things like weight lifting and trying to remain stress free and plenty of sleep etc.  I feel as if my T levels are at an all time low, and hence I'm suffering with the consequences of having low T!......

I used to be on the testogel satchets, the gel that you rub on your shoulder area but I got taken off them when we were trying for a baby. Don't know if I should go back on them actually, but I imagine they are not a long term solution?

Any help and tips is greatly appreciated.

God bless all.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    Although I can't help with your question I noticed that your post hadn't had any relies yet.

    While you're waiting for responses, if you type something like 'increase testosterone' into the search bar in this group, you should find previous posts on this topic. You could have a read through those and see if any help.

    Another option is to post your question in the ask a nurse section of the community and one of the specialist nurses will aim to respond within 2 working days.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi latchbrook

    Thanks for the tips, I'll give that a go.

    Slight smile

  • No problem. I hope you're able to get an answer. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Not sure if this will be helpful but I have found and have been recommended to use the set injections.  Just had my procedure yesterday,  lost both bullocks so today I intend to take my first injection.  A bit nervous as I’m a while with needles but I am very active, do work out a lot snd do lots of house work so I need to get my levels up to par.  I’ll follow up with you in a month if that helps.  Stating off on weekly injections at 40ml per shot 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi ats82

    Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for replying back to me initially.  Thanks I would be really interested in knowing how these injections work out for you.  Take care my friend

  • Hi Dale.

    By chance I had a full set of blood tests 4 months before my diagnosis. I assume, but am not certain, that both of my nuts were functional at that time. My total testosterone level was 17 then, it dropped to around 15 after the op and chemo, then recovered to 16. I then started quite heavy weight training and it went up to 18.7.  They say weight lifting can boost testosterone by about 20% and it did boost mine by about 17% so it did work for me.  I only had my binding globulin levels taken in that first set of tests, and it was a little high so it pulled my free testosterone down a bit. I assume my binding globulin levels haven't changed, but I don't know for sure. So that means I've been hovering around 30% of the huge normal testosterone range throughout.

  • Hi K_Dale

    I had my Orchidectomy in June 2019, I was probably sitting at 105kg (estimate), this was followed up with 1 shot of carbo in July 2019, 41mm mass in right testicle and think it had stopped working in January 2019 as I was 100kg and was gaining 1kg  month. Fast forward to December 2019 I was now 119kg, testosterone checked and was 9.7 which I was told was in range.and nothing could be done (9.7 is in range for an 80 year old male) at 45 my testosterone should have been 18 - 22. By the June I was 123kg and when I opened my eyes on a morning my first thought was "how long till I can go back to bed", I struggled to do any exercise due to fatigue and sent at least 3 hours on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon sleeping. Enough was enough, I will be forever grateful to the NHS who acted quickly on my TC, but the NHS is not structured nor does it have the resource to mange TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy.So in August 2020 I had a consultation at a private clinic, I have regained my life. My partner and I often discuss me pre TRT ( I was a 45 yo male in a 75 yo males body), post TRT I have regained my energy levels do 5 x Bootcamp session on weekday mornings, do PT resistance training sessions 3 evenings per week and my 15yo son and I do a slow 10km run on a Sunday. The weight is coming off and my mental clarity is excellent. I did not take the decision lightly to start TRT Treatment as its a lifetime commitment, however before TRT I was just sitting in the departure lounge waiting to check out.

    I am not a medical practitioner but I dont believe the the reaming testicle will ever "Take up the slack". For me low T caused fatigue, weight gain, de-personelisation (never suffered any problem with libido or hair loss, which are often seen as the core symptoms of Low T.

    A word of caution though, TRT is available everywhere and I did my research before commencing. I am with a great health care professional and since August have had my bloods taken probably 4 / 5 times. Which is then followed up with an appointment and a change to my protocol. TRT ( I believe ) can be dangerous if it isnt monitored correctly. My aftercare is fantastic and honestly, I feel great.

    Hope you get sorted mate as life is for living.

    Take care

  • Consett

    I am exactly the same as you - except I am currently getting REJECTED by the NHS for TRT - pre removal i was doing tri-athalons - post i was sleeping and gaining a belly and uninteresting in sex or doing anything  - 4 years later after lots of tests saying my testosterone was "low but just about within normal", after pushing and pushing they discovered my "free testosteron" wasnt (something like 11) and my new GP at the time pushed for a specialist to take a look , they said i was at a level of a 65 year old (i'm 46)

    they put me on a 2 month trial of TRT at a 50% of normal dose - (about 30mg) , but now my consultant who i cannot get hold of said they are withdrawing the treatment. i am utterly devastated. my last free testosterone level was slightly higher (13) but not within normal, and i've had a few days of in that 2 months of feeling good again - but the consultant said i should have seen a bigger reaction, and therefore its not lack of testosterone so not continuing...

    i literally burst into tears when i got the letter - the thoght of feeling like this any longer is killing me.

    even my Oncologist cannot believe it at my last meeting with her and said it was a disgrace.

    i've phoned the number of times and also tried going through my GP and still waiting.

    i'd llke to know how you went private?

    i've looked at places myself but dont know who to trust or where to go.....

    any help much appreciated

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to OutoftheBlue

    Hi, I’m reading through posts and you seem identical to myself, my results have been between 10-12 for the past two years, I’m tired, lethargic and down. I was also very active with triathlons. I’m now trying to get a private consultant to look at my results as nhs endocrinologist just say I’m fine but a 46 year old male shouldn’t have results right at the minimum. Hope your working through yours as your last post is 7 months ago.

  • Hi Gonzo

    I'm 48 and have been pretty fit for years now.  My total testosterone levels have been around 15 to 17 since my operation April 2020. Nowhere near low enough for the NHS to look at it, and tbh I'm not showing bad symptoms, but I do feel a bit lower in energy than before.

    Question for everyone, have you tried any legitimate online services? I see that superdrug offer a test for £50 and then about £50 per supply of gel.  I don't know what their threshold levels for prescribing are.  Would be interested in knowing if anyone has tried it.

    Best regards
