Etoposide and Cisplatin (EP) chemo, any top tips?

  • 13 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello all

First used this site two years ago , found it very beneficial then so looking for a bit of advice.

Quick summary was  diagnosed with TC coming up to 2 years ago , had the orchidectomy and lost lefty, and gained a new nick name down the rugby club!  Staged as pt2 seminoma so had one shot of Carboplatin two months later to bring the recurrence rate down from 20% to 5%.

Fast forward two years , September’s check up showed high LDH so was sent for a scan last week, then get the call 4 days later, “you need to come in, and by the way  have you any back pain, “ ....”well off an on aches but put that down to sport.....”.

Long story short diagnosed as a relapse as have a retroperitoneal nodal mass so booked in for 4 cycles of Etoposide and Cisplatin chemo, told 5 days staying in hospital , then escape for three weeks and repeat 4 times. No visitors allowed due to good old COVID so will probably go nuts...or Nut (pardon the pun)

Can anyone give any tips on EP ie what to expect , how you were affected and any “wish I had known that...” also what the hell do you do to pass the time??

A big shout out though to the NHS and the way we are followed up and looked after with surveillance, it certainly works!

Cheers all


  • Hi kor,

    thanks so much for your reply, I know you can’t be certain on my situation but that has eased me mind a lot, I just hate the thought of going through it all again, let alone 3 or 4 times mate, that must be horrible. How you doing now bud??

  • Hello James 

    I am doing really good, feel I’m back to normal and my last scan and bloods were fine. Fingers  crossed all will be well with you.



  • Glad to hear that mate. I’ll update the thread soon as I know!