Weird Sensation

  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi. I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the correct place so forgive me if I’m cluttering up the wrong feed.

Anyway, I’ve got this strange intermittent pulling type sensation in my scrotum which seems to be to the right hand side. I can’t feel a lump in my right testicle, however, my left testicle is rather firm, bordering on hard, but again, no lump. 

Given the current situation, I don’t want to be wasting my GP’s time if this isn’t something to worry about. And I am slightly dubious as to if I do or not, given that I don’t have any lumps. I just think it’s a bit odd that the pulling sensation seems to be on the right side, yet the firmness/hard testicle is the left one! 

So ultimately, I’m basically looking for anyone who has had anything similar. I understand that people can’t give medical advice etc but knowing that someone else might have had similar symptoms would make me feel less guilty going to my GP, that makes sense.  

Stupidly, I do feel a bit embarrassed about this which I know is ridiculous! 

Sorry for the long and possibly slightly bizarre post ( I can’t think of any other way of describing this sensation other than ‘pulling’) but any comments would be great! 

Many thanks, 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jay,

    I would definitely have it checked out. I dont want to scare you too much, when I had my testicle diagnosed with cancer it was firm and it also had 2 lumps. However 3 months earlier when i had an ultrasound and they found a 2.5cm mass (cancer which was misdiagnosed) I had no lumps or firmness.

    DO NOT feel embarrassed about this and do not delay it. IF this is something serious it is very important to be found as early as possible as this can save you months of chemo and maybe even your life. If its nothing to worry about then GREAT, you are not any worse off if you have it checked out.

    But if you dont, and it is serious, then you may be in trouble and then it could be too late. Either way remember that this cancer is VERY treatable but you might end up with a lot more treatment the longer you wait.

  • Hi Jay

    I don't mean to worry you, but my testicular cancer showed as a larger and harder testicle without any lumps.  I had no pain or discomfort at all.

    Go and get it checked out - sod the embarrassment.  Your GP will certainly not think you're wasting their time.  When I went to my GP my usual doctor was out, and it was a female german locum in her late fifties who examined me.  She was nealt in front of me in full PPE pulling me around.  I do remember thinking "this really is a shit Friday" as I was staring at the clock on the wall, but I didn't feel embarassed - they're professionals and always deal with the situation well.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jay,

    I just created a login to reply to you specifically. I was in your exact position 3 and a half weeks ago.

    I found that part of my left testicle was harder than the rest. It was enough for me to worry. My wife and I decided that although in lockdown I should get a GP appointment. That was a Saturday and I got the appointment on the Monday. The GP decided to refer me to a Urologist and to cut a story short I had my testicle removed last Wednesday. All on the NHS, all during lockdown, 18 days from having discovered it myself. 

    Yours could be nothing. But it could also easily be something. The NHS do not want people to avoid the doctors. In my case it was well worth it, I caught it early and found out not two hours ago that it was a small Stage 1 Seminoma. I await my Oncologist referral now.

    I had to reply quickly because I felt I needed to say that just because we as a nation are dealing with Coronavirus, your health and well-being is not a burden on anyone. If you have any doubt get it checked dude. 

    I hope this helps. 
