Optimale / private TRT therapy....4 years of "Low" Testosterone

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi Everyone

First I hope everyone is keeping safe and well in the current climate! thats THE most important thing we can do right now!

For me - since my left testical removal 4 years ago i've been having all the sympotoms of low testosterone - i described it here over a year ago 


simply put - i was running marathons and cycling 100's of km's before the OP , happy go lucky and full of beans then after it all started to go down hill , muscle mass loss, weight gain, low libido, mood swings and tiredness, especially in the afternoons and evenings - this impacted my exercise until its where I am today, basically doing about 2 hours a week, down from about 15 at my peak...

GP after GP, oncologist after oncologist all saying that my bloods are withing normal although on the "low" side and i should "shrug it off" - one blood test taken 1pm showing very low readings but considered invalid because of the time of day.

I thought i finally found a good GP who understood - thinking i was probably used to a high level of testosterone before my OP, so a raft of other blood tests for hormones showed certain low readings but still within "normal", but he could not get the NHS Endocronologist to take me on as a referal as readings are all within "normal".

So here I am - and I do not know where to turn apart from private.

Anyone have any experience with the OPTIMALE website/clinics who offer private TRT? or any other help from anyone else gone private would be much appreciated.

  • Hi OOTB,

    I have been diagnosed with the restosterone levels of a 70?year old man, in 46.  I see my private consultant next week to discuss my low testosterone for the first time.  I can let you know how I get on.

    take care


  • Hi Odbball

    Yes that would be great - and also how you got to where you are - did you give up on GP/NHS? is your private consultant through something that is nationwide - like BUPA?



    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • Hey Dan,

    just wondering how you got on? My husband ( also 46) is still tired 14 months post chemo. 
    He returned to full time work end of March. Desk job with full on screens/ calls 8.30-6. Takes few breaks. 
    We are hoping it’s just work exhaustion but curious as to what symptoms you experienced as I think he might have low testosterone? 
    thanks in advance! 
    ps glad you still keeping well apart from that