Had surgery (mass) (tumour)

  • 6 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I came out of surgery 4 days ago after being told that I have what looks to be a cancerous tumour in my testicle. Everything’s moved so fast I went for 2 scans and bang straight in for operation. I’m scared. I don’t want this to be the start of where I lose control of my life because I can’t handle what I’m facing. I just hope it all gets better for me in time and my heart goes out to everyone else who’s going through similar or the same experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read. 

  • Hi samanjoul,

    You have done your bit, in taking yourself to the professionals, they will deal with it from now on.  

    The most curable cancer is testicular cancer.  The second most curable is relapsed TC.  Over 95% of us alive and kicking 5 years later.  If you end up a stage 1 pure seminoma, your life expectancy increases because of it.  I know ....having TC can increase the chances of being alive in 5 years time!  It’s because our health is monitored very closely from now on for the next few years.

    The worst thing is the waiting for results, and appointments.  But that is something I have gotten used to now.  

    I found this forum very helpful and reassuring

    tske csre


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Thank you for your reply ! 

    it’s settled me has that. 

    just waiting for the results now. Can’t wait to hear back to be honest, 

    how are you oddball? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Hey dan another quick question I’ve had my right testicle removed, I’ve got some bad swelling in my epyidimis cord and left testicle and bruising on my penis and scrotal sack is this normal?? 

    sweating my self on couch thinking I’m dying 

  • Yup all sounds normal.  Only the other day you were unconscious whilst a big hairy surgeon cut you open and ripped out one of your testicles.  There will be bruising.  Obviously if symptoms persist consult a less hairy doctor!

    Soon heals.


  • And I’m fine thanks for asking.  I’m now 15mths clear following a a second bout of chemo.  The medical profession know how to treat TC.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    hey sorry for the late reply, just focusing on recovery, thanks for your replies it’s settled me, all the swelling has gone down most of the pain has, I’ve just woke up with extreme stomach cramp this morning and it’s stayed all day not 100% sure if it’s connected to surgery or not. But I’ve got a urologist appointment tomorrow, so I’ll see what’s going on then.

    i got my results back aswell it was seminoma cancer right testicle, so it’s lucky we got it pulled considering the ultrasound scans was in early days he said even tho that’s the case and we think it was isolated to the testicle, I’ve gotta be referred over to Leeds. So what’s next then do I just go to regular appointment? What’s even the percentage of it reappearing in my body. Like if I’m not careful this is gonna add to my mental health issues. It’s easier said than done but I struggle with how I feel on many occasions. So even tho you’ve been clear how come you’ve had chemo ? There’s so much of this stuff I don’t know but what I read on the internet makes me worry and I start to sweat